Amusements: June 2004 Archives

CL's salute to Canada


A few days ago somebody linked to an article of Pete's here, and opined that CL seemed to be run by a crew of Canadians.
Of course that wasn't right, but it inspired a change in the blog decor to salute Pete's national day.

Lawmakers Mum on Rev. Moon Event -

WASHINGTON — It’s one of the most bizarre incidents to take place on Capitol Hill in a long time: A ceremony honoring the very controversial Rev. Sun Myung Moon, with at least a dozen lawmakers in attendance.

During the ceremony, a crown was placed on Moon’s head and he said he would save the souls of everyone on Earth, just as he had done for notorious dictators Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin — whom the reverend said were reborn because of his teachings

Can you imagine being one of the legislators at this ceremony?


Mr Baldwin may explode without warning

I couldn't help but post this. My students would agree, I think.


Yep, they've got my number.


Here's how the spammers are addressing me today:

Subject: Chonak visionary ecumenist iliad
From: "Ramona Perry" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 17:12:44 +0600
To: "Chonak" <>
Apparently I'm a "visionary ecumenist" now: I'm not sure I like that. Isn't that usually a species of heretic?

Anyway, I am reading the Iliad, so they got that one right.

The main reason I'm not still a public school teacher is I once asked a fat kid if he could retain anything besides water. My character deficiencies are far outweighed by the public school system, though, as you can see by this news story:

N.Y. Teacher on Leave for Soapy Punishment - a teacher washes a 3rd grader's mouth out with soap after the "10-year-old boy directed 'a vile, very nasty sexual reference' at a third-grade girl in March." The teacher got suspended indefinitely.

Today's church joke

Preacher: Today I'd like to talk about a man who died in God's service...

Parishioner: Which one: the 9:30 or the 11:30?

Folk Ensemble Society Annual 2004 Annual Meeting
Folk and Contemporary Musicians in the Liturgy: Quo Vadis?

Add more in the comments boxes, please!

"Lopez" has peppered our comments of late with pithy questions. At first they seemed misguided but innocuous. Now he asks, "Why is this site called 'Catholic Light'? Shouldn't be called dim religious dork?"

I invite rational discourse with him on the whatever topic on which we disgaree. I suspect he will reply, "I've got your rational discourse right here, buddy!" and go back to watching meta-narratives on cable news. The same cable news where he's heard "Gay marriage doesn't hurt anyone."

It didn't take a genius to figure out that Michael Moore mis-appropriated the name of his anti-Bush flick from Ray Bradury's Fahrenheit 451. In fact, that non-genius was me. Be that as it may, Mr. Bradbury would like the world to know what he thinks about Michael Moore. Caution: the interview with Bradbury contains rather coarse language. This sums it up: "Ray Bradbury was very clear that he considered Moore a dishonest thief, but refused to answer if he would press charges in any way." I think Moore is an intellectually dishonest, unimaginative ninny, too.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

You write, we post
unless you state otherwise.


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