What Ray Bradbury thinks about Michael Moore

It didn't take a genius to figure out that Michael Moore mis-appropriated the name of his anti-Bush flick from Ray Bradury's Fahrenheit 451. In fact, that non-genius was me. Be that as it may, Mr. Bradbury would like the world to know what he thinks about Michael Moore. Caution: the interview with Bradbury contains rather coarse language. This sums it up: "Ray Bradbury was very clear that he considered Moore a dishonest thief, but refused to answer if he would press charges in any way." I think Moore is an intellectually dishonest, unimaginative ninny, too.


Michael Moore needs to go see "Super-Size Me" and Ray Bradbury should sue him specifically for whatever the hell they call that medal....so much for the Canned Film Festival!

Moore might be a ninny, but he's getting rich in his ninny-ness. As long as the money keeps flowing he's gonna keep talking and making the same liberal junk.

Ok, everyone in Hollywood, raise your hands if you think Michael Moore is a courageous genius. Fine. Thank you very much. Ed Harris, please return to your seat.

Now, raise your hands if you think Mel Gibson is a courageous genius. Hello? Anyone out there? Hollywood, where have you gone?

You are so right, Mark!

Did anyone else think Ray Bradbury was dead until reading this post?

Yes! I thought he had his ashes launched into space, too.

I'm not a fan of Moore at all just because I don't really like his films or the way he presents his arguments. Nevertheless, he's usually right.

Anyway, didn't the Supreme Court say that this type of "parody" (if it can be called that) is protected under the First Amendment?

Ray Bradbury is still alive and kicking, although in poor health; his last public apearance (IIRC) was either at a benefit dinner for Hal Clement or Wincon 2004 ( I can't remember which of the two was most recient).

And Lopez, Moore's ripping off Bradbury's title can't be considered parody, because the subject of Moore's movie ( free-wheeling Bush-bashing) has no connection with the subject of Bradbury's novel (censorship and tyrrany).

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