Amusements: May 2004 Archives

John and Teresa are away at the beach for the week celebrating their anniversary. She sent me this photo of her hangliding. She writes, "Talk about getting closer to heaven!" Look how high up she is! FYI - The man in the photo is not John. He's apparently a certified hanglider who makes piles of cash off adventurous tourists. I don't think John would get on a hanglider unless there was free beer involved.


Veggie orchestra plays with food

The nine-piece orchestra plays a range of original compositions on instruments constructed from vegetables -- including a flute made from a carrot, a saxophone carved out of a cucumber and a pumpkin converted into a double bass.

Looking at your Googlewar post below, I'm lead to believe that you have something against folk music. What exactly is your beef with folk music?

In honor of this most solemn time of the year, please refrain from burning anything for fun, or for the insurance money. (Yes, that means you too, Guido.)

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Amusements category from May 2004.

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