Amusements: January 2006 Archives

Brad Christensen and the Pope

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This guy Brad gets even with overseas senders of fraudulent e-mail scams in a delightful way: he plays dumb, spins tales, and strings them along, and even gets them to waste their time sending him photos, making elaborate and ridiculous business arrangements, and trying to meet up with him. In this example, he responds to a very hush-hush offer from someone calling himself "Benedictus XVI".

Now it's 1-800-BEAST-4-U

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Here's an old news item: CNN tells how a Bible college in Kentucky pleaded with its phone company for months to get rid of their "666-" phone number.

"We're just elated that the number has been changed," said Rob Roy MacGregor, the college's vice president of business affairs. "It was like we had this Scarlet Letter attached to us."

Congratulations, folks.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Amusements category from January 2006.

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