
Lawmakers Mum on Rev. Moon Event -

WASHINGTON — It’s one of the most bizarre incidents to take place on Capitol Hill in a long time: A ceremony honoring the very controversial Rev. Sun Myung Moon, with at least a dozen lawmakers in attendance.

During the ceremony, a crown was placed on Moon’s head and he said he would save the souls of everyone on Earth, just as he had done for notorious dictators Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin — whom the reverend said were reborn because of his teachings

Can you imagine being one of the legislators at this ceremony?


This elmer gantry of South Korea has deceived his followers for decades now and shattered the faith of countless gullible and very vulnerable persons. Just take a look at some of the ex-moonie websites...then go back and look at the assinine coronation that took place in Congress last week...what was he doing...establishing a religion?? Go home you messianic fake!!!! And to the willing participants in Congress I say: if this charade cost any money (like for a wine and cheese reception after the enthronement)....then fork it back over!! Geeezze.........don't we have enough problems with promoting legitimate religion in the public we have to give the ACLU ammo??

I'm wondering if this violates Article 1 section 9 of the constitution (coronation? in congress? what is he ruler over?)

What? They didn't deport this dope after his prison term? He should be persona non grata.

Let me say that I have no use for the theology of the Unification Church, which I utterly reject. That said, I don't know that Moon is like Elmer Gantry. I have probably had more personal contact with members of his church than anyone else, so I speak from experience, if not authority. I have done a lot of reading on the subject and have come to some conclusions.

I don't think Moon deliberately deceives anyone. He is quite genuinely deluded. I do not know if he is mentally disordered, but I would not rule it out.

I would be careful about what you read on "anti-Moonie" Web sites. A lot of what you read is confusing and they often contradict each other. Embittered former believers are not the most dispassionate sources. The best resource I've found on the church is a book called "Moonie, Buddhist, Catholic," a searingly honest tale about a Unificationist who ended up becoming Catholic.

Having dealt intimately with the church and its businesses, I can say that in all likelihood, nobody really knows what goes on in Moon's vast empire. If it is a cult -- and I am not convinced that it is -- it is something like an "open cult," because most of the members live in the world and have regular countact with "outsiders."

So they coronated an anti-Christ as "King of Peace".

Hmm. Congressmen. In Federal facilities, coronating a king to rule over them.

Treason, anyone?

By the way, the Fox site has video of the event.

The news reports said that the congressmen showed up not knowing what to expect, and that they were completely taken aback by the coronation thing.

Maybe they need to get out more.

Anything involving the Unification Church will have some weirdness, and sometimes much weirdness.

The interesting bit is the Democratic Congressman who (apparently quite willingly) read one of Moon's poems to those assembled, including SMM himself.

The guy was probably on the payroll. a

When I leave my current job, I will comment on the Unification Church in full.

BET says:
Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL), "who claims a 10-year friendship with the Korean-born businessman, acknowledges that '10 to 12 Moon followers' contributed financially to his March primary campaign ('I don’t remember the exact amount'), says he attended the event to present the Moons with awards for being 'ambassadors of peace.' When asked to give an example of a proposed peace policy or initiative advanced by the Moon couple, Davis couldn’t name one."

The Hill mentions that ex-Catholic priest "Archbishop" George Stallings was involved in the event too. Is the Unification Church, having failed to rope in Abp. Milingo, settling for Stallings?

Looks like they've already done a pretty good job roping "Archbishop" Stallings in...

Archbishop George Stallings Jr. first made national news when he broke away from the Catholic Church to lead his own Afrocentric church. Now, Stallings is creating a stir among his church members over whom he has decided to marry.
Stallings, who leads the Imani Temple, is preparing to wed a young Japanese woman handpicked by Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon.
The 53-year-old excommunicated Catholic priest, who was stripped of priestly privileges and functions after forming a breakaway religious movement called the African American Catholic Congregation in 1989, has denied that the marriage has been arranged by Moon. He also says denies claims that the Imani Temple is being indoctrinated by the Unification Church. Stallings says that the Imani Temple is not getting money in return for his union with 24-year-old Sayomi Kamimoto, whom he is scheduled to wed on Sunday at the New York Hilton hotel. He will be married along with 40 other couples.
Kamimoto is an employee and member of the Unification Church.
Members of the Afrocentric Imani Temple were so upset by the sudden announcement that some left in protest after Mass services on Sunday. They describe Stallings' relationship with Moon as his "close affiliation with and adoption of doctrine of the Unification Church."
In addition, followers of the Imani faith have expressed offense over Stallings' recent comments on black women. In a published article, Stallings said that he wants to marry "a Japanese wife because . . . they are dedicated to their husbands, they are gentle and they work with them." He added that he didn't want a wife "who desired to party all the time."
But in a statement issued Tuesday, Stallings said, "I want to make it clear for the record that marriage to a woman of color who is not African American is a personal decision and not a public statement. If I had married Miss Linda Greene, some in the black community would not be up in arms, yet she, too, is a non-African American of Asian and Indian descent."
Greene, 49, is Stallings' ex-girlfriend, for whom he abruptly dumped to marry Kamimoto.
Greene was among the several female Imani Temple members who walked out of Stallings' Sunday Mass service.
But Stallings insists that his marriage to Kamimoto is for love, and that he is attracted to her "beauty, brains and spirituality." He says he wants to have up to 13 kids with her.
Starting Wednesday night, Stallings will hold a three-day revival at Imani Temple sponsored by the Unification Church. Protests are expected.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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