Amusements: July 2007 Archives

Skewered news!

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There's a fairly new site on the web called Agnus Daily offering it up -- I mean, offering up spoofy news "stories" about Church events. Sort of a Catholic counterpart to Scott Ott's satirical site Scrappleface. I particularly like the one about the apologist for agnosticism.

How could you not laugh along with a site that offers this as a headline:

Archdiocese of Los Angeles Voted "Best Performing Arts Venue"

By the way, there's an analogous site that pokes fun that the oddities of life in the Eastern Orthodox Churches, The Onion Dome, and for Evangelical culture, Lark News. It's good that we're catching up with the separated brethren here!

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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