Amusements: August 2006 Archives

Uh-oh, no Pluto

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Wow: Pluto's downfall is probably the biggest diss issued in public since they pulled Saint Christopher from the calendar.

Jeff Miller's ready to become an Old Solarist, but I'm looking for the political angle. What are the Democrats going to do with this? Pluto is small and eccentric, so it might be a perfect new interest group to add to the Coalition. Maybe it needs anti-discrimination laws or subsidies.

One TV reporter put it perfectly: "So this means, if you're small and different, you're dead?" The Dems have to keep that front and center, and keep asking what kind of universe we want to live in. A whole planet just fell through the Republican safety net, and -- let's face it -- the fact that we lost Pluto on George Bush's watch can count for something with the voters.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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