Amusements: September 2005 Archives

Another secret!


You've probably seen the news story Saturday about a cardinal's leaked conclave diary. Tim the Lapped Catholic has come across some more info!

It's more habitable than they realized

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This ought to be on the disclosure forms you fill out when dealing with real estate: Is the property inhabited... by any ghosts or spirits? A restauranteur (a Chinese-American JW -- huh?) balks at moving into the building he leased because it's haunted. Is it his own fault for not getting a proper building inspection done?


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I'm not worried about the price of gas; I'm going to use dollar-cost averaging.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Amusements category from September 2005.

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