Amusements: March 2004 Archives

When you register for American Airlines' frequent-flier program, they give you a choice of about 200 salutations, including "Admiral" and "Vice President" and titles of nobility. I could not resist -- no longer am I a mere commoner. As you can see by this envelope, I am...

Countess Eric M. Johnson

St. Patrick's Day quiz

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What was Saint Patrick of Ireland's ethnic background? (No fair using Google to answer.)

WINNER: Father Jeffrey Keyes was quick to point out that St. Patrick was born in Britain, and that St. Patrick was a Roman citizen. He was not ethnically Irish. He only ended up in Ireland because the kind, gentle folk of that land kidnapped and enslaved him.

Funny and scary

Look at Thoroughly Modern Mary, a parody-blog by the talented Jeff Miller. Dom says he dosen't know which is scarier, TMM or Mr. Miller's other parody-blog, Moloch Now, and neither do I. I did think TMM was uproarously funny, though, probably because of our own sometime visitor, Sr. Nouveau Mary.

Allen the accountant (plug) sent this St. Louis Jesuits spoof over the transom:

Though the markets may fall and the bonds turn to dust
Yet the standard of gold shall last
As a treasure to all who trust not the bank
Sing the praise and the glory of gold.
None of those relativistic floating exchange rates here, huh.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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