The News: August 2006 Archives

Priest stops bungling burglars

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The good news is that Fr. Bennett caught the young perpetrators in the act and scared them off before they could break into the wonderful Basilica in Boston. It's also good that they were untidy criminals: some of them came back to the church to get the drill they'd dropped, so the police were able to arrest three. The other two cared enough to bail out the three, so they came by the station to do that, and the police arrested them too.

Some of them appear to have pages on "myspace", and if these are the very same people, the pages reveal them to be a bunch of drunks barely out of high school who care only to party when they're not at their dead-end jobs: "Robby", "Alyse", "Jamie".

Some of them break into buildings for kicks, it seems: one friend posted on "Alyse's" page: "we should party and break into s--- again" (8/10); and she replied on his page: "we definetly need to break in to things and drink some more!" (8/11).

What do these people really need? What kind of life is this? They don't seem to have any connection to the Church: the two girls designate themselves as atheists.

Now, folks, don't post any comments on their pages....

Update: These whiz-kids removed their pages from public view today, but Google has preserved snapshots of the pages from a few days ago.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak
Eric Johnson
John Schultz
Pete Vere

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