Fametracker is a site devoted to demotic pop-culture analysis. The featured essays and comedy bits are often hysterically funny, if you pay attention to the entertainment industry even a little. Their forums often direct a stream of invective against the fraudulence of our cultural icons, and so they are a refreshing departure from the usual butt-kissing-party you see in People magazine. A recent forum topic tackled the subject of Fox News and right-wing bias. Most of the people posting to the forum agreed that it skewed the news and it was awful; I took the opportunity to discuss liberal bias and the mainstream news industry's freakish death wish.
[Another forum participant asked:] Exactly how the hell is network news "liberal biased?" My answer:
1. The selection of news stories. Here's one example: self-identified homosexuals make up about 3% of the population. Something like 30-40% of the American population go to a place of worship once a week; a similar proportion goes at least occasionally. Yet the number of stories about homosexuals is far higher than for religious topics.
2. The people who make the news. The journalists comprising the upper tier of the profession (at big-city newspapers, weekly newsmagazines, and television networks) are about as liberal as any identifiable segment of the population. (sources) Throughout the industry in general, journalists are twice as likely to call themselves Democrats as Republicans, though that percentage has decreased in the last decade (as it has in the population as a whole). A person's worldview affects what one considers important; it is naive to think that it wouldn't affect the selection of news....