Culture War: October 2003 Archives

It's fun to stay at the YQCA


So the YWCA decided after six months that having the bisexual adulteress Patricia Ireland as their CEO and role model for the youth of America wasn't working out, especially since she wanted to turn the group into an activist organization. Maybe soccer moms across the country notified National that they didn't want the local Y to be turned into a branch office of NOW.

American Life League's David Brandao wrote, back when Ireland was hired:

At first glance, it's tempting to ask if Patricia Ireland's task is to do for the YWCA what the Village People did for the YMCA. But the truth is, unfortunately, that the YWCA has been on the wrong side of the moral tracks for a long, long time. This bunch is already well entrenched as agents of the Culture of Death....The YWCA cannot become pro-abortion; it already is pro-abortion.
So now that Ireland has been fired, it's only a small piece of good news, but it is good news. Just keep those pools well chlorinated, OK?

A number of bloggers have speculated whether the whole Terri Schiavo situation is really massive spiritual warfare. Here's an interesting article on George Fellos, attorney for Mike Schiavo, from a past issue of the St. Pete's Times. I've reproduced some of the more salient quotes, but it is definitely worth reading in its entirety:


Bibliographical info:

The spirit and the law:[SOUTH PINELLAS Edition]
SHARON TUBBS. St. Petersburg Times. St. Petersburg, Fla.: May 25, 2001. pg. 1.D

Felos, 49, has taken on about 10 right-to-die cases in the last decade. He balances his quest for spiritual growth with his lawyerly duty to fight.


Felos' spiritual and professional lives intersected in a public way 12 years ago, in the case of Estelle Browning. The case gained him a reputation as the person to see when you want to let someone die.

Browning, of Dunedin, had written a living will in 1985, saying she did not want to be kept alive by artificial means if she ever became ill. A year later, she had a stroke. But the nursing home refused to stop feeding her because she was not technically brain dead. Her cousin and former roommate, Doris Herbert, asked Felos to take the case.

He wanted to see Browning for himself. She could not speak, but Felos says his spiritual side picked up on something. He says her soul cried out to his soul and asked, "Why am I still here?"


After the Browning case, Felos became a volunteer for the Hospice of the Florida Suncoast, sitting and talking with terminally ill patients. On his living room shelf sits a book for hospice training, Dying Well, by Ira Byock.


"I believe that Christ was God incarnate and was resurrected. But, by the same token, I believe that there were other incarnations of God as well," he says. "All the great religions in their essence express the same fundamental truths."


That is what is necessary, he says, "to accomplish what I believe are Terri's wishes."

Does Felos believe Terri Schiavo's soul has spoken to his?

Felos declines to answer, showing his lawyerly side. "It's a pending case," he says.

Is this a hospice?


While I haven't had the opportunity to sift through it all, here's some interesting background on what allegedly goes on at the Hospice of the Florida $uncoast where Terri is warehoused for death receiving hospice care.

Now that he's spent a few days with Terri and her family, Fr. Rob blogs about his experience with Msgr. Malanowski and the Schindlers. It is much like our own, except that Fr. Rob does so with much more clarity and precision. While I have summarized his reflection below, Fr. Rob's entire reflection on Terri's personhood is worth reading. To begin, Father's follow description of Monsignor Malanowski is totally accurate:

Msgr. Malanowski is very impressive. He is zealous, energetic, and courageous. His courage was demonstrated on Tuesday night: He went in to visit Terri and give her Viaticum. When the husband-mandated "minder" (family members and Msgr. Malanowski aren't allowed to see Terri without one of Michael's representatives present) realized what he was about to do, she cried foul and told Msgr. he couldn't do that. He asked the police what would happen if he did it anyway. They replied that they would arrest him. His response was "so lock me up", or something to that effect. But then they added that they would physically prevent him from giving Terri communion. It was only the certitude that he would fail that dissuaded him, not the prospect of being arrested. [...] I know priests half his age (he's 81) who don't work half as hard as he does. [...] On Wednesday, he hadn't slept 4 hours in the last two days.

His following description of the Bob and Marie Schindler as good people is no less accurate:

One of the things that struck me very quickly is how level-headed, reasonable, and calm the Schindlers are. [...] I was half-expecting to meet people rendered emotional wrecks by their week-long ordeal of watching their daughter dying. They've also been portrayed, by the husband and his attorneys, and by unsympathetic media, as everything from religious fanatics to pathetic simpletons.

But they weren't, and aren't. They're very normal, solid people. They've been represented as people in denial of their daughter's sad state, blinded by their emotional attachment to her. But that is simply not the case. They are quite realistic about Terri's condition: she is severely brain damaged, and will almost certainly never come close to substantial recovery. But they see that the person they know and love as Terri is still there. And they cannot understand why the fact that she won't recover amounts to grounds for ending her life.

Finally, Fr. Rob does away with the myth that Terri is a vegetable, and compares her situation to that of one with Down's Syndrome before coming to the following conclusion: "People with Down's Syndrome won't 'get better'. The best you can hope for is to teach them enough skills so they can function in society, and many Down's patients will never even reach that point. But we don't (yet) kill the mentally retarded because they won't recover. Most of us still have sufficient vestigial humanity to recognize that killing of the retarded is inhuman and barbaric."

Again, I strongly urge you to stop by Fr. Rob's blog and read his reflection after spending a couple days at the prayer vigil.

This will be my last update from the vigil until after the baby is born, as Sonya is pretty close to going into labor and the doctors have asked us to stick close to home. Terri's parents are among the kindest and most decent people I have ever met. Before we left to return home, Terri's father took us aside and asked if he could speak with us because he had heard from some of the nurses and paramedics at the vigil (the ones on our side) that Sonya looked like she was only a few days away from labor. He was concerned we might try and sneak up to the vigil between now and then.

To be honest, this wasn't an unreal possibility since the hospital is about half-way between where we live and the hospice where Terri is staying. Nevertheless, Mr. Schindler said: "As a father, I'm here for my baby. We really appreciate your prayers and support, but you two need to be there for your baby now. We know you're with us in prayer. But please come back with the baby as soon as you're rested and able to travel." I mention this because it is typical of the wisdom and compassion one finds with Terri's parents. Even as they undergo such a tremendous cross, they show great consideration in generosity in wanting to make sure we weren't neglecting our own family needs for the sake of theirs. Needless to say, we were stunned. "How could they even worry about us at a time like this?" Sonya asked. For my own part, I don't think I could be this self-less if that was my daughter in the hospice. However, this is just one example that reveals the character of Terri's family.

1) According to Terri's family, who visited her yesterday, it looks like her condition is much improved. The color has returned to her face, she does not look so gaunt, and she's responding to her family's presence and attempting to communicate with them. It is impossible to know for sure, because Michael Schiavo is now reportedly denying Terri's family access to her medical records under the Medical Privacy Act. Again, Terri's family expresses their appreciation to everyone for our prayers and the rosaries.

2) Fr. Rob was out there yesterday. He spent most of the day with Terri's parents, which allowed Monsignor to attend to a number of doctors appointments he had been putting off as well as get some rest. We spent some time together at the vigil, and he will try and update us whenever he can. Both Monsignor and Terri's family are very grateful for his presence, especially since given Monsignor's age, these three-hour nights are taking their toll on his health. Fr. Rob sends along his greetings.

3) It was also Mr. Schindler's birthday yesterday. So we all sang him happy birthday just before he and his family went in for their evening visit with Terri.

4) If you listened in to the mainstream media on the ground, most of the reporters are actually quite sympathetic to Terri. This wasn't the case when they arrived, but they're becoming more sympathetic every day. What's really interesting is watching them fight with the producers and the suits back in the head office over how the report is edited and spun. For this reason, some of the big news stations are starting to rotate their news teams after a couple days, while others are getting an earful as the reporters become increasingly less docile when asked to re-spin their report.

The one exception, of course, seems to be Fox News which is simply allowing their crews to call it as they see it. In fact, I spent a few minutes with the Fox crew yesterday, and thanked them for their unbiased reporting. (Okay, so they aren't perfect, but they're doing a better job than the rest of the television networks.) That being said, the other reporters are not nearly as biased as they are made to look on air, and we may possibly see a press revolt before too long.

5) Although the networks (I will not longer say press) continue to present Terri as a vegetable or in coma, from the descriptions of those I have spoken with who visited her, as well as from the video footage, etc. she actually ressembles someone with Cerebral Palsey. In fact, if you weren't a lawyer or a doctor familiar with the history of her situation, you would probably conclude that this is what she has. I mention this because while Cerebral Palsey patients require a lot of assistance, most of us would be appalled if someone tried to murder them through starvation and dehydration.

6) I am grateful to everyone for your prayers and assistance in keeping everyone updated. Yet there's a particular individual who is consistently and faithfully in the right place when I need his help, but always in the wrong place when it comes time to expressing my gratitude. This individual is Karl Maurer, a fellow regular contributor at the Wanderer. Anytime I need to reach someone from the vigil but don't have their number on me, I'm on the cell phone to Karl who either looks up the number for me or emails the individual in question. He also keeps a pretty large distribution list going through the Catholic Media Coalition, and has faithfully gotten action alerts out within seconds. Thanks Karl, it is greatly appreciated.

7) On that note, here's a sample letter Karl wrote:

To: Mr. Roosevel Freeman
Office of Civil Rights
District Office in Atlanta
PHONE: 404 562-7886


Dear Mr. Freeman:

I am writing to ask that your office take immediate steps to remove Terri Schindler Schiavo from the care and guardianship of her husband Michael, who is currently under investigation for spousal abuse and criminal neglect.

Your immediate attention to this matter would be appreicated, as Mr. Schiavo has repeatedly attempted to have his wife killed. This email complaint is being filed in lieu of formal documents due to the critical nature of Terri's case.

Thank you for your help in this matter.


Karl Maurer

Karl J Maurer CPA
[Snail Mail Address]

Dear all,

I just got off the phone with Monsignor and Fr. Rob. Fr. Rob got in safely, and Monsignor brought him up to date over dinner. Fr. Rob has also been in contact with Terri's parents. Monsignor is very grateful to the St. Blog community for sending Fr. Rob. Since this whole thing began, Monsignor has been putting off his own medical appointments and whatnot in order to remain accessible to Terri and her family. So Fr. Rob's presence comes as a great relief. Fr. Rob gives everyone his best and asks for prayers.

The good news is that the feeding tube was reinserted and Terri is now getting nutrition as well as liquids. Additionally, Michael Schiavo backed down from his prohibition against Terri's family visiting her. Nevertheless, he is now refusing Terri's parents access to her medical records and condition -- citing the privacy act. This is why we're not getting any updates on her medical condition. It should also be noted that an independent guardian ad litem only applies to the specific court case. Mike Schiavo remains Terri's legal guardian in all other matters.

There's also some other troubling news. Today, Terri was secretely moved back to the "hospice" where she had been left to starve and dehydrate. One of my friends at the Wanderer sent me some pretty troubling background information on this particular hospice. Nevertheless, according to Mike Schiavo et al, Terri is receiving fluids and feeding. But it shows that the culture of death still has a strong hold over the situation. The vigil, which had shut down last night, has now resumed.

Tomorrow I have to take Sonya up to Sarasota in the afternoon to pre-register at the hospital and visit the ob-gyn. Afterward, we hope to head up to the vigil and link up with Fr. Rob. (I say "hope to" because Sonya is now experiencing some stomach pains.) Until then, please keep praying.

As far as action alerts, what we need now is for people to contact the Attorney General's office -- both federal and for the State of Florida -- and urge an independent investigation into Terri's condition and possible abuse. Email Deal Hudson over at Crisis magazine and request that he use his political clout to lobby the President and Governor Bush to do the same. And please email Fox News and request that they keep investigating this.

Finally, I just email Karl Maurer and John Pacheco a pdf copy I have of Chris Ferrara's ammended legal brief. It pretty much sums up all the alleged irregularities in this case. I've asked them to alert Carl Olson and Mark Shea if they can get it up on their website, so that we can blog a link ASAP.

Pictures From Terri's Vigil

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As promised, here are some pictures from the Vigil for Terri.......

Terri's friends and family gather in front of the hospice to protest.

Monsignor at the press conference after he unsuccessfully tries to give Terri viaticum. The lady sitting next to him in the blue dress is Pat Anderson. She is the attorney for Terri's family. Chris Ferrara credits her with being the heart, soul and backbone of the Terri's legal team. Please keep her in prayer as well.

A young protester calls it as it is.

Terri's father comforts Terri's sister with hug after a tough day.

Open Letter to Governor Jeb Bush
Concerning Terri Schiavo

Dear Governor Bush:

As members of the Catholic media, we beg you, in the name of our Lord Jesus, to intervene in the case of Terry Schiavo, and, by extension, in the lives of the millions of persons with special needs in Florida and throughout our country whose lives will be greatly endangered if Ms. Schiavo is left to die, or, more accurately, murdered through the present withdrawal of food and water.

The judge in this case is acting on a remarkable doctrine: That food and water are medicines which may be granted or withheld based on a judicial order. What legal or moral authority gives anyone the right to withhold food and water from an innocent person? Starvation is a most painful and difficult death. If one were to propose it as a method of execution for death row prisoners, it would be instantly opposed by society under the Constitution's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. If starvation is cruel and unusual punishment, it should not have the imprimatur of the State of Florida for any innocent citizen.

We admire your seeking the assistance of the St. Thomas More Society concerning what is legally just. And we are strengthened in our hearts by their response that, at the very least, you have the authority and the duty to protect her life and to conduct a proper and thorough investigation. We appreciate the difficulty of this matter and that the right course of action before God may not be the popular one in today's culture.

The moral and just path, however, is clear to us who believe that human life is God's to give and His alone to take. History has shown the truth of the statement, The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. We would go a step further in saying that those who have the power to do good, and yet do nothing, participate in the triumph of evil, whether or not their withholding of the good seeks or intends such evil.

It may be that our Lord has put you into office, like Queen Esther of old, for such a time as this . The God who saved Esther, and through her, the people of God, will not abandon you, dear Governor. He is faithful. May our Lord Jesus Christ be your comfort and guide in this urgent hour, and may you be His instrument to save the life of one of His little ones , and through her, the dignity of every soul made in His image.

With gratitude and prayer,

Rosalind Moss,
Catholic Author and Speaker

Father Richard John Neuhaus
Editor in Chief, FIRST THINGS
The Institute on Religion and Public Life

Pete Vere, Editor
The Alhambran Magazine

Mark Shea
Catholic Author and Speaker

Philip F. Lawler
Editor, Catholic World Report and Catholic World News

Carl Olson
Editor, Envoy Magazine

John Pacheco
Catholic Author and Speaker

Domenico Bettinelli, Jr
Managing Editor, Catholic World Report magazine

Amy Welborn
Columnist, Our Sunday Visitor

Martin K. Barrack
Catholic Author and Speaker

David Pearson
Features Editor, National Catholic Register

Mike Mohr
Chairman, St. Bernadette Soubirous Chapter of Catholics United for Faith

Dave Armstrong
Catholic Author and Speaker

Gerald Korson
Editor, Our Sunday Visitor

Steve Ray
Catholic Author and Television Host

Rod Bennett
Editor, WONDER Magazine

Matt C. Abbott
Columnist, the Wanderer

Tim Drake
Staff Writer, National Catholic Register

Dr. Paul Thigpen
Executive Director, The Stella Maris Center for Faith and Culture

Mary Kochan,
Contributing Editor, Catholic Exchange

Sandra Miesel
Catholic Journalist

David Moss
President, Association of Hebrew Catholics

Maureen and Robert Wittmann
Catholic authors and speakers

Steve Kellmeyer
Bridegroom Press

Mike Aquilina
Vice President, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology

Mark Brumley
Catholic Author

Greg Popcak
Catholic Author and Radio Host

Patty Bonds
Catholic Author and Speaker

Jeff Cavins
Catholic Radio and Television Host

Fr. Joseph F. Wilson
Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn

I hope to be posting some pictures later on, but there's been some serious happenings go on today at the prayer vigil for Terri.

1) The most serious is that Monsignor attempted to give Terri Holy Communion today, but was stopped by the police and the nursing staff. Although Monsignor was willing to be arrested, he was stopped by all present. This is a serious violation of Terri's First Ammendment rights. The civil attorney for Terri's parents was on the phone with Chris Ferrara almost as soon as it happened, and I can now confirm that Chris is working away on this as hard as he can. Chris and I shared a few candid words about the situation, and we're pretty much in agreement about a lot of things here, although he obviously is better versed in the civil legalities of what's going on. It goes without saying that he's very concerned for Terri. He refuses to give up the fight, however, but he needs everyone's prayers right now.

2) I spent about half an hour with Terri's parents. They are good people who are being held together by our prayers and the strength of their son Bobby. Sonya and I presented Terri's father with a St. Benedict Rosary that a St. Blog parishoner and Alhambran had asked us to give the family on behalf of everyone at St. Blog's and the Alhambra. It just happened that Terri's father had misplaced his rosary and so he was very happy to receive it, as well as our prayers, because he has been borrowing rosaries for the past month. The rosary he misplaced had been blessed by the Holy Father. I told him that there is someone at St. Blog who has a rosary blessed by the Holy Father that they would be willing to share with Terri's parents. If that individual is you, please email me at . I will be more than happy to reimburse the overnight shipping costs. It would mean a lot to Terri's family right now.

3) Both Monsignor and Terri's parents would be extremely grateful if Fr. Johansen could join us. Monsignor is visibly tired, as he maintains a full Mass schedule in addition to being present at the vigil whenever he's not saying Mass. Not only would Fr. Rob not be a burden, but they were very specific they could really could use his assistance in the coming days.

4) There was a special on double-cheeseburgers at the McDonalds nearby. So once again the evangelicals insured that we were well-fed. They also had some bananas and muffins. Apparently, the evangelicals have really settled into their ministry of providing food to those who come and pray. It is appreciated by everyone there. Tomorrow, a number of local evangelical churches will be holding their service just outside of the hospice where Terri is being starved.

5) Terri's father and mother are extremely grateful for all the prayers they are receiving from St. Blog and the Alhambra. He is getting over a thousand messages a day from people praying and supporting Terri. Since he cannot physically answer them all, he and Terri's mom asked me to express their gratitude to St. Blog parishoners and the Alhambra.

A New Low - Unconscionable

The following was sent to the Children of God for Life email list today:

This afternoon at the Hospice Center Terri Schiavo, whose feeding tube was removed on Wednesday, was denied Viaticum. Monsignor Malanowski was told by police and the attorney for her husband that she could not receive the 1/4 Host he had brought her. (Mrs. Schiavo is fully capable of swallowing.)
She has been visited by Msgr. Malanowski for over three years and today, as always, she reacted with joy at his presence as she sat in her chair and turned to greet him.

This is no longer about removing artifical life support (if one considers a feeding tube life support); it is about a cruel and vicious murder of an innocent woman.
Please, spread the word of this outrage to as many people as you can. Call your own dioceses, pastors, civil rights leaders and let them know what has happened to Terri. The local press picked this up at 5:00PM, and this news should be distributed nationally and worldwide. Thank you for anything you can do to help restore this woman's rights. Terri's case will set far-reaching precedents for all disabled people nationwide. Consider this: the attorney for Michael Schiavo believes that anyone who cannot lift a spoon to his mouth should die. He is the director for Florida's Right to Die.

Children of God for Life

For more information on Terri visit

Heading up to Terri's Vigil

Sonya and I are planning to head up to the vigil for Terri Schiavo this afternoon. We hope to arrive around 3:30 and stay until about 5:30. We would like to stay longer, but Sonya's nine months pregnant so we can only manage a couple hours at a time. (Unfortunately, I cannot go alone either since I need to stay within twenty minutes of Sonya at this point.)

For any other Catholic Light readers in the area who are going to be there, please come over and introduce yourselves. We're kinda hard to miss. I'm wearing a red Alhambra golf shirt and of course Sonya is nine months pregnant. We've also got a spunky red-headed toddler in tow. I'm hoping to blog some pictures once we get back.

A number of people around St. Blog's, following the lead of the conservative media, have pointed out that Michael Schiavo stands to make a nice lump of cash as soon as Terri is gone. This may be true -- he reportedly stands to make something -- but I personally question whether money is what is truly at stake with Mike Schiavo.

At least two friends of Terri's family alleged to me at the vigil that on the day she went into the coma she had decided to divorce Mike. Her family also maintains, if I understand correctly, that there had been a history of domestic violence between her and Mike. I know that at least one of Mike's former girlfriends alleges something simliar. In addition, the family's attorney has mentioned evidence that suggests Terri may have been the victim of domestic violence at the time she collapsed.

That being said, my job as a canonist is to examine and question evidence for inconsistencies. So doing so has simply become second nature for me. I have a few questions after reflecting upon recent events. These are: 1) if this is just about money, why does Mike appear to have refused the family's offer that he simply take the money in exchange for giving them back custody of Terri? 2) If Terri is really in a permanent vegetative state, why the strong objections to her parents videotaping her? Shouldn't the videotape in fact support his position?

Thus obviously some other motivation is at play here. At one extreme, the possibility is misguided love. In other words, he truly loves Terri and mistakenly believes that this is what is best for her. I don't think this is the case, however, since such behavior would appear to be inconsistent with his getting engaged to and having a child with another woman. Actions speak louder than words.

Other middle possibilities include the following. He wants the money, but taking it and running would make him look like an even bigger jerk, so pulling the feeding tube gets him what he wants while saving him much embarrassment. The only real objection I can think of to this scenario, which I admit is rather weak, is why would he engage in such lengthy and costly litigation if this was the case?

Another possibility is that he now wants to move on with his life and start over again with his present girlfriend. But in today's culture of marital instability, would the majority within society really fault him for throwing in the towel, turning Terri over to her parents, divorcing her and giving her parent what money remains? Again, if the issue is calling it quits, why the endurance on his part when it comes to lengthy and costly litigation? Why not just walk away?

Thus I'm left wondering whether there isn't another reason behind his actions. Given his reported history of domestic violence, is he now trying to beat the rap for something truly incriminating that would come to light if Terri recovered? I don't know the answer to this. I can only speculate, however, something simply isn't lining up here in my opinion.


October 16, 2003
Catholic Media Coalition
Contact: Mary Ann Kreitzer
(540) 459-9493


The euthanasia murder of Terri Schindler Schiavo by starvation and dehydration which began yesterday at 2:00 p.m. is a violation of her right to life and a crime against humanity. The Catholic Media Coalition condemns it unequivocally and calls on every Catholic bishop in the United States to express public outrage against this violation of Terri's right to life and her human dignity. We also call on her bishop, Bishop Robert Lynch of St. Petersburg to defend her right to receive the sacraments and the comfort of the faith in this time of trial.

The Catholic Church, of which Terri is a member, teaches that food and water are ordinary means of life and may never be removed unless an individual is imminently dying (within a few hours or days) or cannot receive benefit from them. Terri clearly does not meet that standard. She is not dying and has obviously benefited over the years from tube feeding. Legal decisions allowing the deliberate killing by neglect of the weak and defenseless are always immoral.

Pope John Paul II addressed this issue in his letter to the Bishops of the World issued June 21, 1991. "When legislative bodies enact laws that authorize putting innocent people to death and states allow their resources and structures to be used for these crimes, individual consciences, often poorly formed, are all the more easily led into error. In order to break this vicious circle, it seems more urgent than ever that we should forcefully reaffirm our common teaching, based on sacred Scripture and tradition, with regard to the inviolability of innocent human life."

On October 2, 1998 the Pope specifically addressed the issue of nutrition and hydration affirming a statement of the U.S. bishops' pro-life committee saying it, "rightly emphasizes that the omission of nutrition and hydration intended to cause a patient's death must be rejected and that, while giving careful consideration to all the factors involved, the presumption should be in favor of providing medically assisted nutrition and hydration to all patients who need them." The Pope made this statement the same day former Louisville, KY anchorman, Hugh Finn, had his feeding tube removed by legal order at the request of his wife Michele and against the wishes of his parents and siblings. Hugh died an agonizing death nine days later. [See here]

Mary Ann Kreitzer, President of the Catholic Media Coalition, expressed profound sorrow at the tepid response of the Catholic bishops to this crisis of euthanasia. "I'm ashamed as a Catholic to say that our Coalition contacted every bishop in the country asking for their support for Terri and received only a handful of replies. Most of those responding told us they would not take a stand. Her situation is not unique. Murder by neglect is occurring with greater frequency around the country with the complicity of medical staff and the courts. If the Catholic hierarchy fails to speak with authority their silence will be construed as consent. Bishop Lynch's behavior has been baffling. It took incredible pressure from the CMC to finally get a statement from the Florida bishops, and even that is tainted with inaccuracies. We desperately need men of courage like Bishop Clemens von Galen who mounted his pulpit in Munster Cathedral on August 3, 1941 and blasted the German euthanasia program that was murdering the helpless. He did not stop it, but most certainly reduced the death toll. Doctors and judges were responsible for that deadly program and the United States is now on the same road they traveled. Unless we vigorously defend the innocent, like Terri Schiavo, and repress these evil judges and the doctors who are complicit with them, we will have euthanasia on a massive scale.

"Think of the police officers surrounding Terri's bed and the Hospice building to make sure no one interferes with her deliberate premeditated murder. Think of Judge Greer who ordered Terri's execution and the Supreme Court of Florida and the federal judge who would not stop him. Then consider Bishop von Galen's words. 'None of us will be safe.There will be no police to protect the victims, no court of appeal..Woe to mankind, woe to the German people, if we thus transgress God's commandment, delivered amid thunder and lightning from Mount Sinai and implanted in the heart and conscience of man, Thou shalt not kill.'"

The Catholic Media Coalition stands with Terri and the Schindler family in this terrible trial and offer our prayers. We share their moral outrage at this cruel injustice. We beg all people of good will to storm heaven for redress and to enter the political arena to restore morality to this country which has strayed so far from our founding principles. We urge citizens to continue contacting Governor Jeb Bush begging his intervention. It is time for a showdown between the executive branch of government and a runaway judiciary that has embraced the murder of the innocent.


From Terri's Prayer Vigil

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Today was very gut-wrenching. Sonya, the girls, our friend Marina and I frequented the prayer vigil and news conference for Terri Schiavo in Tampa. The bad news is that they pulled her feeding tube. I was with her brother Bobby, my friend Carlos from the National Catholic Register, and some reporter from the New York Times just before it happened. It was really sad. I was on the cell with Pat Madrid when we got the news, and we had to cut the call short because I couldn't stop crying for Terri. My three-year old daughter was with me and I just could not help but ask, "What if it was her in that bed while Sonya and I were being deprived the right to fight for her life?"

Monsignor said it best when he said that Terri's parents now know how Our Blessed Mother felt on Good Friday. One thing I should note, and although it pains me to admit this, many of the people there were extremely disappointed with what they saw as a weak response from the Florida bishops. In fact, there was probably more anger expressed against Bishop Lynch than against Terri's husband and the judge who took his side. Please pray for Terri's friends and family, and please pray for the Catholic clergy as well.

Nevertheless, there was some good news that gives us hope. First off, Governor Jeb Bush is really concerned and contacted the family to let them know he has his legal team working on trying to open another possibility for his intervention. He is extremely concerned, and not just as a politician. He has been very supportive of the family throughout this ordeal, but he wants his interventions to accomplish as much as possible to save Terri and not simply to be a example of political grandstanding that does nothing. Jeb is a very decent human being. Secondly, and more importantly, the misunderstanding between the Monsignor who is providing pastoral and spiritual support for Terri and her family, and the lawyers for the other side, came to some sort of resolution that restores Monsignor's pastoral visitation privileges (as well as the visitation privileges of Terri's family). It still is not ideal, in that the other side has added more restrictions, but barring a miracle, at least Terri won't die alone -- deprived of family and pastoral assistance. Please continue to pray for a miracle, however...

Posted below is my wife's press release for the Alhambra which we just submitted to the Wanderer and various other Catholic news organizations. Please feel free to pass it along, and please pray:



Catholic Fraternal Organization Requests Prayer For Terri Schiavo

Sonya K. Davey

PINELLAS PARK, Fla ( – Responding to the court-imposed removal of Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube, the International Order of Alhambra called for prayer in support of Terri. “Following our Holy Father’s intervention, it goes without saying that my prayers and the prayers of the entire Order of Alhambra are with Terri Schiavo and her family,” Edward Fiorella stated.

Fiorella is the Order of Alhambra’s Supreme Commander, which makes him the highest ranking official of this hundred-year-old Catholic fraternal organization. The Alhambra’s primary focus is service to the needs of the mentally and cognitively disabled. “As Catholics belonging to a Catholic organization,” Fiorella continued, “we support the Church’s teaching on the dignity and value of every human life. This includes Terri’s. Therefore, I have asked our members and the members of our ladies’ auxiliary to keep praying for Terri.”

Pete Vere is a canon lawyer who specializes in the rights of mentally and cognitively disabled. He is also a supreme officer of this five-thousand member Catholic fraternal organization. He attended the October 15th prayer vigil held by Terri’s friends and family outside the hospice when doctors removed her feeding tube. “This is just a sad day for every Catholic concerned with the Culture of Life and the rights of those with some form of cognitive or mental disability,” Vere said. “Not only is the state sanctioning involuntary euthanasia, but this sets an awful precedent in which society judges an individual by his or her perceived utility. God created us human beings, not human doings. All human life is valuable in His eyes.”

As Vere prayed the Divine Mercy chaplet with other Catholics gathered at the vigil – many of whom were from the local special needs community – the mood was visibly somber. “We cannot begin to imagine the threat this poses to our special brothers and sisters in Christ,” Vere stated. “I am particularly concerned for those who suffer from more severe forms of cognitive and mental disability. Under this new utilitarian ethic and definition of human life, will their right to life be challenged as well? In terms of mental and cognitive capacity, how far are they removed from Terri?”

“Recent video footage clearly shows Terri positively responding to stimulation from her friends and family,” Vere added. “She smiles, she laughs, and she opens her eyes, turns her head and raises her eyebrows. A number of medical experts assure me that these are not the responses of one who has fallen into a persistent vegetative state as the courts and Terri’s husband maintain.”

Besides medical, ethical and political considerations, Vere also feels that Terri’s situation involves a religious and spiritual dimension. “As members of the Order of Alhambra,” Vere explained, “we must implore the intercession of our patron St. Francis of Assisi. He will obtain for us the grace to stand firm for the culture of life and assert the basic human dignity of our special brothers and sisters in Christ. I invite members of all other Catholic fraternal organizations to make this stand as well. Unless we take action now, Terri will die from starvation and dehydration within the next two weeks. This involves a most cruel and painful death. As my friend Fr. Rob Johansen recently noted, ‘she will die not of any disease, but because a judge has ordered her to die. She will die in spite of ample evidence that her condition is treatable and improvable.’ In short, there is no tomorrow for Terri and others like her. Now is time to pray, contact your legislators and make your voice heard.”

Many of Terri’s friends and family still hope for a miracle. One such individual is Msgr. Thaddeus Malanowski who has provided pastoral care to Terri and her family throughout this difficult ordeal. “It is no coincidence that today is the feast of St. Theresa of Avilla – Terri’s namesake,” Msgr. Malanowski shared with those who had gathered outside the hospice to pray. “Additionally, the Holy Father has scheduled Mother Teresa’s beatification for this Sunday. I spent twenty years as a missionary among Mother Teresa and her sisters. Mother was a great apostle of the Gospel of Life in our time. I have asked that she intercede from above for Terri.” Msgr. Malanowski grasped a relic of Mother Teresa as he shared his hope for a miracle with others who had gathered at the prayer vigil.

For more information on the efforts of Terri’s friends and family to save her life, please visit the following website at:

[Sonya K. Davey is the mother of two children, including one in the womb, and a pro-life activist. She possesses a bachelor of science with a concentration in biology. In her spare time she volunteers with the Sultanas, which is the women’s auxiliary of the Order of Alhambra.]

To put it bluntly, I have a few reservations about canon 1398. “A person who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication,” the canon states. Please do not mistake my reservations as support for abortion. In no way do I condone this intrinsically evil act, which the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches “is gravely contrary to the moral law” as well as an “abominable crime” (2271).

Yet my experience in ministry has taught me that most women who abort their child act under some sort of emotional, mental and/or psychological duress. Despite what many feminists claim, I seldom come across an abortion that is freely chosen – that is, chosen without coercion from some outside individual or organization. Sometimes this pressure comes from a boyfriend who refuses any responsibility for the pregnancy. Other times, parents seek a quick fix for their teenaged daughters. “Get rid of it or get out of the house!” is, sadly, the execution decree of all-too-many grandchildren. But even more reprehensible, in my opinion, is the coercion a distraught pregnant mother finds among the very women’s organizations that claim to uphold her freedom of choice. As my friend Mark Shea often reminds me, abortion is the principal sacrament of initiation into the culture of death. Therefore, a woman often discovers when dealing with feminist pregnancy crisis centers that her choices do not include bringing the child within her womb to full term.

Thus abortion is a traumatic choice often made under duress. As the reality of the choice to end the life of one’s child sets in, the woman is left in need of the Church’s help and compassion. For once her child is dead, the woman will find neither help nor compassion from the abortion industry. Yet alone and ashamed, the perception of canonical censures only further drives these women away from the Church in many instances. This compounds the problem.

These women know abortion is wrong. They feel it in their soul every time they see a mother with a stroller pass by on the sidewalk. Their heart cries out with every advertisement for diapers that flashes across the television screen. What these women need is Christ’s healing touch in the confessional, as well as sustained pastoral support from pro-life organizations like Project Rachel. This is the approach Christ took with Mary Magdalen’s adultery: He did not excuse the sin, but He did not turn away the sinner. He invited her to repentance and forgiveness.

Nevertheless, I feel no such compassion toward those who profit – whether financially or politically – from abortion. As a canonist, I firmly believe in the use of canonical censures to combat this intrinsic evil. Yet these canonical censures should be aimed where they are most deserved. Thus in reflecting upon the carnage wrought by the culture of death over the past thirty years, the Church must strengthen and enforce canonical censures against the so-called "Catholic" politicians, doctors, pregnancy counselors, nurses and lawyers who continue to support and protect an industry dedicated to the willful butchering of children in the womb.

Of course, there is no need to excommunicate the doctors, nurses and other medical staff directly involved in the abortion industry – the Code of Canon Law already provides for their automatic excommunication. As canon 1329, §2 states: “In the case of a latae sententiae penalty attached to an offence, accomplices, even though not mentioned in the law or precept, incur the same penalty if, without their assistance, the crime would not have been committed, and if the penalty is of such a nature as to be able to affect them..." Since the abortion would be impossible without the direct assistance of the medical staff, this makes them direct accomplices to the abortion. So they are automatically excommunicated if they happen to be Catholic. No canonical trial is necessary. The competent ecclesiastical authority need only declare the penalty.

Unfortunately, the canonical situation is a little more complex when it comes to Catholic politicians who support abortion. For their participation in the scandal of abortion is more indirect. The politicians and lawyers draft, legislate and protect laws that permit this evil. Most do not, however, directly participate from the abortion chamber. Therefore the automatic excommunication envisioned by canons 1329 and 1398 would not apply to these lawyers and politicians since, in keeping with the principle of canon 18, “Laws which prescribe a penalty [...] are to be interpreted restrictively.”

Nevertheless, a competent Church authority may use other means to impose excommunication upon pro-abortion Catholic politicians. Moreover, there are other penalties the Church may impose. At the very minimum, the Church can and should prohibit pro-abortion lawyers and politicians from receiving Holy Communion. In fact, any bishop may invoke canon 1399 to do so. “Besides the cases prescribed in this or in other laws,” the canon states, “the external violation of divine or canon law can be punished, and with a just penalty, only when the special gravity of the violation requires it and necessity demands that scandals be prevented or repaired.”

Now some canonists will object to my interpretation of this canon, arguing that reception of Holy Communion is a right of Christ’s faithful. However, this right is in no way absolute. As canon 223, §2 states: “Ecclesiastical authority is entitled to regulate, in view of the common good, the exercise of rights which are proper to Christ’s faithful.” One is hard pressed to see how permitting pro-abortion Catholic politicians to go unchallenged contributes to the common good – either of the Church or of society as a whole. Rather, abortion destroys the common good in that it destroys the right to life. This is the right upon which all other rights, as well as the common good, are based.

Moreover, canon 912 states: “Any baptized person who is not forbidden by law may and must be admitted to Holy Communion.” In short, canon law provides an exception for to the right to receive Holy Communion, namely, for those who are forbidden by law. Canon 915 clarifies one such exception as follows: “Those upon whom the penalty of excommunication or interdict has been imposed or declared, and others who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”

In the end, there is no lack of pertinent canonical legislation granting a competent ecclesiastical authority the right to refuse Holy Communion to Catholic politicians who are obstinately pro-abortion. What the Church needs is the will to enforce this proposed course of action. Undoubtedly, some will denounce such refusal of the sacraments as too severe. Yet what is the alternative? For according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, through abortion “irreparable harm [is] done to the innocent who is put to death, as well as to the parents and the whole of society” (2272).

[Since I am already being asked, permission to reproduce in whole is hereby granted by the author, provided proper attribution is given to "Pete Vere, JCL" as the author and as the original source.]

Is academia a scam?

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The further I get from being a full-time student, the more I'm convinced that higher education has become a scam.

Think of education as an industry like any other. The industry's leaders have convinced taxpayers to subsidize their industry by telling them the product improves future workers, and thus the economy. Then convince employers that any job paying more than $8 an hour should be filled by people with a certificate from your industry. Then show teenagers (and their parents) that unless they want to work retail, or -- horror of horrors -- do manual labor or learn an honest trade, they need to spend between $20,000 to $120,000 to get the industry certificate.

These thoughts are occasioned by this article in the New York Times detailing the amenities that universities offer their students today, and how much money is being spent on them. Remember that whether a university is public or private, it's your tax money being spent because of our middle-class welfare, federal student loans.

I graduated from a slightly above-average state university, whose president was mainly known for getting drunk with frat boys and convincing legislators to dump loads of money into our campus. The most bewildering thing about the whole experience was figuring out that 80% of the other kids had almost no intellectual curiousity. I'm not saying that's a virtue, and I'm sure there are plenty of saints in heaven who never cracked a book. However, when you're shelling out $11,000 a year for an "education," you'd think more people would act like they're interested.

I have had some outstanding professors, and I greatly benefited from them. By that I mean that I felt wiser after taking their classes. To say that a college degree ought to mean more than a job qualification is dorky or incomprehensible to most people today. But what other real justification is there? If your understanding of God, man, and the universe is unaffected by your classroom time, then that's at least four irretrivable years of your life gone by, and in reality you're not even a better worker bee. You're just a worker bee with a fancy certificate.

[The Academy Girl, whose blog I just discovered, voices related thoughts on her blog.]

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