It's fun to stay at the YQCA


So the YWCA decided after six months that having the bisexual adulteress Patricia Ireland as their CEO and role model for the youth of America wasn't working out, especially since she wanted to turn the group into an activist organization. Maybe soccer moms across the country notified National that they didn't want the local Y to be turned into a branch office of NOW.

American Life League's David Brandao wrote, back when Ireland was hired:

At first glance, it's tempting to ask if Patricia Ireland's task is to do for the YWCA what the Village People did for the YMCA. But the truth is, unfortunately, that the YWCA has been on the wrong side of the moral tracks for a long, long time. This bunch is already well entrenched as agents of the Culture of Death....The YWCA cannot become pro-abortion; it already is pro-abortion.
So now that Ireland has been fired, it's only a small piece of good news, but it is good news. Just keep those pools well chlorinated, OK?


I'm assuming the "Q" is for "Questioning"?

Queer I think.


If the "Q" is for Queers, what's the "C" for?

In Jesu et Maria,

To think I had always believed the Y was a place to walk on a treadmill.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on October 28, 2003 12:36 AM.

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