Is this a hospice?


While I haven't had the opportunity to sift through it all, here's some interesting background on what allegedly goes on at the Hospice of the Florida $uncoast where Terri is warehoused for death receiving hospice care.


It's rather consistent that a place that would be Terri's killing site would be so rotten to the core. Does WorldNetDaily, NewsMax, or any other half-decent media outlet, know about this?


This is an important story as you infer.

CURE advisor Ron Panzer,president of the Hospice Patience Alliance, has been reporting on this regularly and is in touch with the Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation on a regular basis, as we are, so I would expect that WorldNetDaily, at least, is--perhaps NewsMax as well.

I know Christopher Ruddy at NewsMax and have been in touch with them before, so I'll get in touch with them to make sure.

"Hospice" is a sacred cow in the media and certain confused "pro-life" circles, and this one is not all that atypical when it comes to euthanasia.

There is a reason why the murderer and his mouthpiece ended their Larry King performance with a tribute to hospice and the misnamed "living will," after all.

Yours for Life,

Director, Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia (CURE)

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This page contains a single entry by Pete Vere published on October 25, 2003 11:48 AM.

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