A New Low - Unconscionable

The following was sent to the Children of God for Life email list today:

This afternoon at the Hospice Center Terri Schiavo, whose feeding tube was removed on Wednesday, was denied Viaticum. Monsignor Malanowski was told by police and the attorney for her husband that she could not receive the 1/4 Host he had brought her. (Mrs. Schiavo is fully capable of swallowing.)
She has been visited by Msgr. Malanowski for over three years and today, as always, she reacted with joy at his presence as she sat in her chair and turned to greet him.

This is no longer about removing artifical life support (if one considers a feeding tube life support); it is about a cruel and vicious murder of an innocent woman.
Please, spread the word of this outrage to as many people as you can. Call your own dioceses, pastors, civil rights leaders and let them know what has happened to Terri. The local press picked this up at 5:00PM, and this news should be distributed nationally and worldwide. Thank you for anything you can do to help restore this woman's rights. Terri's case will set far-reaching precedents for all disabled people nationwide. Consider this: the attorney for Michael Schiavo believes that anyone who cannot lift a spoon to his mouth should die. He is the director for Florida's Right to Die.

Children of God for Life

For more information on Terri visit www.terrisfight.org

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This page contains a single entry by published on October 18, 2003 7:43 PM.

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