Fr. Rob Arrives in Time to Repriest the Battle Lines

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Dear all,

I just got off the phone with Monsignor and Fr. Rob. Fr. Rob got in safely, and Monsignor brought him up to date over dinner. Fr. Rob has also been in contact with Terri's parents. Monsignor is very grateful to the St. Blog community for sending Fr. Rob. Since this whole thing began, Monsignor has been putting off his own medical appointments and whatnot in order to remain accessible to Terri and her family. So Fr. Rob's presence comes as a great relief. Fr. Rob gives everyone his best and asks for prayers.

The good news is that the feeding tube was reinserted and Terri is now getting nutrition as well as liquids. Additionally, Michael Schiavo backed down from his prohibition against Terri's family visiting her. Nevertheless, he is now refusing Terri's parents access to her medical records and condition -- citing the privacy act. This is why we're not getting any updates on her medical condition. It should also be noted that an independent guardian ad litem only applies to the specific court case. Mike Schiavo remains Terri's legal guardian in all other matters.

There's also some other troubling news. Today, Terri was secretely moved back to the "hospice" where she had been left to starve and dehydrate. One of my friends at the Wanderer sent me some pretty troubling background information on this particular hospice. Nevertheless, according to Mike Schiavo et al, Terri is receiving fluids and feeding. But it shows that the culture of death still has a strong hold over the situation. The vigil, which had shut down last night, has now resumed.

Tomorrow I have to take Sonya up to Sarasota in the afternoon to pre-register at the hospital and visit the ob-gyn. Afterward, we hope to head up to the vigil and link up with Fr. Rob. (I say "hope to" because Sonya is now experiencing some stomach pains.) Until then, please keep praying.

As far as action alerts, what we need now is for people to contact the Attorney General's office -- both federal and for the State of Florida -- and urge an independent investigation into Terri's condition and possible abuse. Email Deal Hudson over at Crisis magazine and request that he use his political clout to lobby the President and Governor Bush to do the same. And please email Fox News and request that they keep investigating this.

Finally, I just email Karl Maurer and John Pacheco a pdf copy I have of Chris Ferrara's ammended legal brief. It pretty much sums up all the alleged irregularities in this case. I've asked them to alert Carl Olson and Mark Shea if they can get it up on their website, so that we can blog a link ASAP.

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I am a Catholic law student. There is little more to say; I love studying the law and I love being Catholic. I've been sitting on this post for the past several hours, wondering if it is appropriate to post. Read More


Just think of what such an investigation might lead to. Closer attention given to the thousands of elderly and disabled who are abused every year. Supposedly only 16% or so of cases get reported to the authorities.

Dear Mr. Vere,

God bless you and your family for your sacrifices! I will keep you, your wife and unborn little one in my prayers. Thank Fr. Rob as well. I am glad he is of great service to the Schindlers and Monsignor. Indeed, this is not over yet!

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This page contains a single entry by Pete Vere published on October 23, 2003 12:54 AM.

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