Ministry: September 2005 Archives

Cdl. George gives it a try

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Usually when I hear people rant that bishops should send the sex-abuse perps away to a monastery, I figure it's not a good idea: monastic communities aren't a dumping ground for the Church's problem cases.

Cardinal George is trying something similar, though, having 11 such priests relocated to a diocesan retreat house, for what one hopes will be a closely monitored life of penance and prayer. It'll be interesting to find out how effective and fruitful this approach will prove.

(Thanks to Rocco).

A Good Man

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I would post more often if I had the perspicacity and insight to come up with something like this.


Go. Read.

(This priest received me into the Church several years ago. He da man.)

Food for the Poor, a very efficient charity with strong Catholic involvement and only 4% overhead, normally specializes in shipping food, medications, and other needed goods to the Caribbean from their base in Florida. That same location is also a good launching-point for their hurricane-relief efforts. Help 'em out if you can.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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