Ministry: April 2005 Archives



This year's World Youth Days are going to be a blast!

By the way, the Vatican website has been updated: "refresh" if you don't see the announcement.

Pictures at an ordination


My Capuchin buddy Fr. Matthew's ordination on Saturday was a beautiful ceremony, and he even had the unexpected honor of being ordained by two, count 'em, two prelates. In addition to Bp. Donald Wuerl, the diocesan ordinary of Pittsburgh, a retired Malagasy bishop Ferdinand, also a Capuchin, participated in the rite. He's been visiting the Order in the US, while he's here learning English.

The Capuchin province's website has photos of the ordination, and I've got a few photos of the fine German-American church where it took place: it's the home base for that particular province of the Cappies.

Since Fr. Matthew's had the conviction of wanting to be a priest since he was a toddler forty years ago, his vocation has been "incubating" for a long time!

Christ Jesus calls us all to holiness; He, living in us, is the holiness we seek; He is the food for the journey; He is the destination and He is the way. The priest speaks His word; the priest gives us Jesus; the priest makes Him into our food; the priest guides us to our goal; the priest points the way. As Fr. Matthew continues to follow the Lord Jesus, may He unite him ever more closely to Himself.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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