Ministry: July 2005 Archives

And I thought Bingo was bad

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(20:52:08) chonak2: here's something I should blog --
(20:52:41) chonak2: I went to a city parish on Saturday afternoon, and noticed an item in the bulletin...
(20:53:00) chonak2: this parish has really gone beyond Bingo, as fund raising goes...
(20:53:14) JimmyO12: high stakes gambling?
(20:53:19) chonak2: they hosted a Texas Hold 'Em poker tournament...
(20:53:23) chonak2: *on Sunday night*
(20:53:32) JimmyO12: wow wow wow
(20:53:35) chonak2: with a "buy in" of $100!
(20:53:37) JimmyO12: that is unbelievable
(20:53:47) JimmyO12: totally beyond the plae
(20:54:04) chonak2: The notice said: "$6000 first prize if there are 100 players"
(20:54:09) JimmyO12: pale rather
(20:54:14) JimmyO12: amazing
(20:54:14) chonak2: yeah
(20:54:28) chonak2: I think Cdl. Law told the parishes at some point: no new bingos
(20:54:35) chonak2: but he didn't say anything about this ! :-)
(20:54:55) chonak2: lol
(20:56:07) JimmyO12: poker tournament
(20:56:34) JimmyO12: doesn't sound like a Catholic Church
(20:56:50) JimmyO12: what were they raising money for?
(20:56:58) chonak2: And this is in a working-class neighborhood; a great parish with lots of devout Hispanic folks
(20:57:07) chonak2: For the school, probably
(20:58:52) JimmyO12: hmm
(20:58:59) chonak2: I happened to go to that parish 'cuz a priest friend just got transferred there (as a p-vicar). He can't be too thrilled about this!
(20:59:04) JimmyO12: I didn't know the latinos liked their poker so much
(20:59:07) chonak2: heh
(20:59:36) chonak2: maybe they do
(20:59:39) JimmyO12: I think that's immoral
(20:59:41) JimmyO12: the poker thing
(20:59:51) JimmyO12: maybe I just have a firm grasp on the obvious
(20:59:56) chonak2: pretty much. Maybe they should open a bar next
(21:00:03) JimmyO12: exactly

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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