Ministry: October 2005 Archives

Two encouraging actions show bishops with backbone:

The bishop of Peterborough (ON) has removed a pastor who not only vocally supported ordination for women, but declared that he had celebrated Mass with "women priests" during a visit to the US.

In Sacramento, Bp. William Weigand directed a high school to dismiss a non-Catholic teacher who was found by a local pro-lifer to be a Planned Parenthood abortion mill volunteer, directly opposing the efforts of pro-lifers to save women and their unborn children from abortion.

The Synod Propositions


A few points from some of the fifty propositions offered (I paraphrase):

13: The synod Fathers suggest rethinking the order in which the Sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion) are given. In the Latin tradition, the First Communion of children has come to be before Confirmation, but there is no dogmatic reason for this; for adults, Confirmation precedes First Communion.

23: The Fathers suggest moving the Sign of Peace to another point in the Mass.

24: New formulas for the "Ita missa est" (solemn blessing, prayer over the people, etc.) could be given to better express the sending of the faithful to their mission in the world.

36: Priests should be taught in seminary to understand and celebrate Mass in Latin, and to use Gregorian chant.

37: The Fathers suggest that the competent organizations (Episcopal Conferences, SCDW) propose regulations for concelebration when the number of concelebrants is especially high.

46: Catholic politicians should note that there is no "eucharistic coherence" when they promote laws that harm the integral good of man, which are against justice and the natural law. Bishops should apply the virtues of strength and prudence, taking into account the concrete local situation.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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