Fr. Gee is asking for help in funding the start of a school at the Banica mission where he serves. Can you pitch in?
Since the permalinks for his blog are broken, I'll quote the post here...
Fr. Gee is asking for help in funding the start of a school at the Banica mission where he serves. Can you pitch in?
Since the permalinks for his blog are broken, I'll quote the post here...
Our pal Steve Schultz is hard at work at St. Charles Seminary, so do remember to pray for him and his studies. On Sunday, he and another seminarian were invited to serve at an Armenian Catholic parish.
He writes:
The attached photo was taken today at St. Mark Armenian Catholic Church. I have been to this parish several times this year when we have had free weekends. The rite is different from the Latin rite that most Catholics celebrate. The pastor, Fr. David Bedrossian, likes for us seminarians to do the readings and serve Mass. He is pictured in the chasuble on the left. The priest next to him is a retired General in the Chaplain Corps, Monsignor King. I like the vestments because they are so ornate but mostly because they have a slimming look. The way the deacons wear the stoles is pretty cool too - I wish we did that in the Latin rite.
Take care, everyone! You are in my prayers!
John 19:30: "when he had taken the vinegar, Jesus said, 'It is finished,' and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit."
The Greek expression translated "It is finished" is a single word: tetelestai. It is completed: it is fulfilled. The word was used by tax collectors, who marked it on a bill, with the meaning: paid in full.
Richmond's new ordinary, Bp. Francis DiLorenzo, is being transferred in from Honolulu.
Before his service there, he was an auxiliary in Scranton, and if the rumor mill is right, he was, alas, not very sympathetic to the traditionalist movements in that diocese.
But that was ten years ago, and during those ten years in Hawaii, commenters at Amy's and Dom's sites say, he improved the discipline of the clergy in what had been a somewhat lax diocese. Congratulations to everybody in Richmond.