Liturgy and Music: July 2004 Archives

Our friend MichiganCatholic wrote the above while commenting on Sal's post below about the tendency for some hispanic/latino Catholics to embrace evangelical protestantism upon immigrating to the U.S. I understand why recent immigrants from countries that still have a Catholic culture would be turned off by many Catholic parishes in the U.S. Indeed, I attended Mass yesterday and had that very reaction.

Assumption Music


What music does your parish do for Marian feasts? We'll likely be doing the Stravinsky "Ave Maria" and if we have a chance we'll do the Oswald Jaeggi arrangement of the "Salve Mater" chant.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Liturgy and Music category from July 2004.

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