Liturgy and Music: November 2006 Archives

Distinguishing hymns

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Y'know, at this time of year, I have a hard time keeping It Came Upon the Midnight Clear separate in my head from Mother Dear, O Pray for Me.

pro multis = "for many"


The Vatican has settled the most prominent issue of contention regarding the English translation of the Mass. CWN reports that Cdl. Arinze has written to the heads of English-speaking bishops' conferences with the news:

The Vatican has ruled that the phrase pro multis should be rendered as "for many" in all new English-language translations of the Eucharistic Prayer, CWN has learned.
Although "for many" is the literal translation of the Latin phrase, the translations currently in use render the phrase as "for all." All new English-language translations will use "for many" when they appear.

This is good news for a couple of reasons: that debatable translation "for all", placed so close to the words of consecration, scandalized traditionalists and gave many scruples about the validity of Masses said in English. As debaters on the issue point out, St. Thomas' opinion even considered them essential to the consecration.

Restoring a undisputed translation of pro multis to the Mass removes an obstacle to reconciliation between the Church and disaffected members of the traditionalist movement. It also confirms to all the partisans struggling over the English liturgy that Pope Benedict and CDW are going to require that new translations conform to the Church's wishes as expressed in Liturgiam Authenticam: the English version of Mass is supposed to be the Roman Mass, so the English words of the Mass should represent the ideas and concepts in the Latin liturgy.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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