Liturgy and Music: December 2003 Archives

No, not "Tommy", it's Tony

Although he's a local musician, I hadn't heard about Tony DeBlois until the other day, but it seems he's already appeared on EWTN, played at WYD2K, had a movie made from parts of his life story, and won some international awards. That blind autistic kid is a jazz pianist savant, as his third CD attests.

The Vox Clara committee met in Rome a couple of weeks ago:

Having examined sample ICEL translations from the Missale Romanum, the Committee expressed its gratitude for the excellent start made by the mixed commission in translating the Missale Romanum in an English style which is in conformity with the spirit and the specific provisions of the Instruction Liturgiam authenticam, approved by the Holy Father on March 20, 2001.
The new ICEL may turn out to do a good job.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Liturgy and Music category from December 2003.

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