We have a taker for abortion bet #1!


Alison Schieber of St. Joseph, Missouri, has taken me up on the first wager I offered. I say that Senatory Kerry will mention abortion in his speech; she does not. Alison thinks Kerry he will mention the Supreme Court, but not abortion by name. However, she wins as long as abortion (including obvious synonyms like "reproductive rights" or "choice") is not mentioned. Of course, no politician will say the actual word "abortion" at either convention, at least not while television cameras are running.

Lest you think she is hoping that Kerry mentions abortion, Alison hastens to point out that she is not a liberal, and that she likes Catholic Light; therefore, we at Catholic Light like Alison.


Oh, if THAT's the bet, I'll take it too, bud.

I don't think Kerry or any of the major PTP'ers will mention abortion or any of the obvious euphemisms you cite.

I mean good gawd, it's not like a guy who voted for partial-birth abortion actually HAS to prove his bona fides. (Unlike say, Joe Lieberman had to in 2000 on racial preferences.)

If he does mention abortion, we'll get to see the spectacle of Dems cheering for it. Might that help the GOP win a Senate race or two?

... which, RC, is exactly why we WON'T see that.

I doubt he will NEED to mention it. The podium will be filled with other pro-abort militant speakers leading up to his speech who will make his case for "reproductive rights" and "choice" very definitively, therefore relieving him of the need to taint himself with the appearance of cooperation.

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This page contains a single entry by Eric Johnson published on July 27, 2004 12:43 AM.

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