Been there, killed the baby, got the T-shirt

To add to Sal's item below: PP's T-shirt that announces "I had an abortion" is a way to commemorate one's participation in a murder, though I doubt most aborted women really want to remember it that way. I wonder if they give one free to each such ex-mother as a parting gift: been there, killed the baby, got the T-shirt.

Why stop at T-shirts? They could go to offer hats, too. Maybe a little set of forceps on a chain. Lots of souvenir tees come in baby sizes, or with bibs and booties. Of course, the slogan would have to be adapted: "I was aborted."

Since PP is selling these so-called goods through Yahoo's on-line store facility, you can make a difference by letting Yahoo know that these materials are inappropriate. Since Yahoo's Merchant Guidelines forbid adult-oriented and "otherwise objectionable" material, there seems to be sufficient reason to bar it from Yahoo's site. Remember to be polite, now.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on July 26, 2004 10:11 PM.

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