The boob tube


No, I haven't been watching the Dems' convention live, but later Monday night I saw some clips from Bill Clinton's speech. He was talking about how John Kerry volunteered to serve his country in several capacities, and his refrain was that each time, John Kerry said, "Send me." The former president was speaking in his "preaching" style, and he made that refrain sound like a little echo of Samuel the prophet. Of course, Clinton himself used to say something like that: he told the state troopers, "Send me that woman over there."


Nevermind that Kerry was fighting for us when he was in Veitnam, then came back to this country and started fighting for North Vietnam.

That's not fair, Sal. He came back and started fighting for John Kerry's political career.

He started fighting for an end to an unjust war, the injustice of which he had seen himself. I don't support John Kerry because of his position on abortion, but any Catholic at the time should have been fighting for an end to Vietnam. It was an unjust war.

Of course, Democrats can never do anything good according to you guys (see, Eric, now I'm using the plural).

Nathan, please explain to me how any armed conflict to prevent the violent overthrow of a legitimate government, the forcible submission of its people, the banishment of personal freedoms and liberty, and the seizure of national treasures for personal fianancial gain is wrong. Having fought in that conflict, having been shot down following orders emanating from the White House basement to attack a tool shed within sight of Russian freighters in Haiphong harbor unloading the very armaments used to shoot me down, I agree that the management of that war was unjust, even criminal. But not its original purpose. Not if you understand history or even present day Iraq.

John, have you looked at the just war doctrine and which of its principles Vietnam didn't meet lately?

I'm sorry the government made you fight its unjust war for them. Maybe if the president's drunken daughters had to fight wars, too, he wouldn't be so quick to make them.

Nathan: You still haven't answered my question. How was the Vietnam conflict unjust in the period 1962-1972? Not by today's standards - 20/20 hindsight makes it too easy - but back then. God bless. John.

After North Vietnam conquered South Vietnam, they killed something like 100,000 people and threw another quarter-million into re-education camps. We have nothing to apologize for, except perhaps abandoning the South.

If John Kerry wasn't lying about committing war crimes, he should have been in jail, not protesting the war.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on July 27, 2004 4:36 AM.

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