No more nipple, please


It isn't even 9 a.m., and already I'm tired of hearing about Janet Jackson's nipple. Memo to all entertainers: taking off your clothes isn't remarkable for anyone over the age of 2. It's a sign that you're a talentless, soon-to-be-has-been hack -- that is, if you're not already a has-been.


A transparent attempt to push one Jackson family boob out of the headlines by means of another...?

Eric, if there were any justice in this world, yours would be the last word on that subject. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we're going to be subjected to weeks of prattling by idiotic DJs, talk show hosts, etc.

The words "Least Common Denominator" come to mind related to last night's Super Bowl commercials and halftime "entertainment."

I predict that the culture left will say that there's nothing wrong with Janet baring her breast on network tv and that we should really loosen up. I also predict calls for allowing above-the-waist nudity all the time on the networks. This is just pushing the envelope.

Is it really all that surprising. The song they were singing, if I recall correctly, is notable for its refrain, "Gonna have ya nekkid, by the end of this song."

"Nekkid" is so much barer than "naked," isn't it?

What? Who?

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This page contains a single entry by Eric Johnson published on February 2, 2004 8:56 AM.

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