The best thing about the Big Game


Not Janet's nipple (which I didn't see on my 12" screen, thank goodness), the somewhat naked man (which I did see, briefly), a very badly played first half (on both sides), MTV's resident eunuch-type (Timberlake, I mean, and that's not libel), P. Diddy, and a bunch of yankee-types (also not libel) winning the game. All very disappointing. (During the half-time show, I kept thinking of the movie scene where a Russian missile is deflected and inadvertently hits the MTV satellite (Spies Like Us?) and wishing it were true.)

The evening wasn't a total loss, if for no other reason than the Ford-sponsored pre-game show, where we were introduced to the 500-hp, 500 lb.ft.-torquing Ford GT. Won't somebody please buy me this car?



With the $12,000 a student that Fairfax County spends on its education system, don't you make enough to buy one outright, Bryan?

Most of that $12,000 probably goes to the unions.

If only the Ford Foundation did not sponsor Planned Parenthood, I might consider it (is buying one used considered licit? Get me Georgetown's ethics hotline number, stat !!).

BTW, it was Spies Like Us, but it wasn't a deflected Russian missile which struck the satellite. It was an errant laser pulse that missed the missile, and struck the satellite instead (I've watched it too many times).

I just keep seeing that satellite blow up. And I smile...

What? Who?

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