The Fringe: June 2004 Archives

Jargon Watch


Seen in fashionable bulletins about town (especially towns under the jurisdiction of Richmond, VA) this new name for confession:

'Sacrament Interviews'

I guess you come in for the interview to see if you have any sins to confess. Or, maybe I read it wrong and it is actually an exciting new program (begun under Bishop Walter 'Where's my Rainbow Sash?' Sullivan, of course) where the 'kreative' among us can propose a modern Sacrament to replace the mean, judgemental one we have right now. Perhaps something with puppies... everyone LOVES puppies!

If to name something is to give it power, then what happens when you re-name it? (I know, I know, ask the Pro-Abortion Lobby.)

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the The Fringe category from June 2004.

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