The Fringe: October 2003 Archives

Inside the UFO cult

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Here's a weird one: two reporters infiltrated the Quebec-based "Raelian" sect for nine months. Their report is a five-part series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

And get this: the claim that the sect had cloned people wasn't even true! Who'd have thunk it?

(Via Religion News Blog.)

Caution: Idiotic Energy in Use

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Now, I wouldn't recommend that just anybody try this. The web site says this "radionic energy is a powerful force", and warns that you shouldn't use it "for any malicious or illegal purposes". However, if you want to use if to get money and revenge, here's the product for you!

Right now, I'm using my computer to send out waves of radionic energy to quash internet scams.

I can't actually attest that this site isn't some hoax, but there are various neo-pagan sites out there that seem to take it as legit.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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