Personal: December 2003 Archives

Veneration of the saints

charlie_anna_with_candles.jpg "Christ, you are the light of the world."


Top row: Virgin Mary and St. Joseph
Bottom row: Sts. Charles Borromeo, Anne, Christopher,
and Archangel Michael

In a private message, a Catholic Light reader mentioned his difficulty with prayer to saints, and I wanted to explain why I think it's important.

At the funeral

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Thanks to all at St. Blog's for your kind condolences at the death of my mother last week. The funeral was on Monday at her parish church in New Hampshire.

The new pastor, a kind young fellow who works on the diocesan tribunal, celebrated the Mass with reverence and peace, and gave an encouraging homily. At the end of the Mass he read out my own message of thanks to the parish, which sounds like a little homily on its own, come to think of it....

The Johnson boys


This won't turn into a family blog, I promise. To round out the pictures of the Johnson family, here are Charlie, 4 1/2, and Christopher, 10 months.

charlie_headshot.jpg critter_laughing.jpg

I realize Christopher's skin color looks strange, but I'm still learning how to use our new digital camera.

Picture of my darling daughter


Time for a break from controversy. Here's a photo of my daughter Anna before the preschool Christmas concert tonight. On Saturday, she'll be 3 1/2.



In your kindness please pray today for the repose of the soul of Elsie Fay (Browning) Chonak, my own dear mother, who passed away Monday afternoon, December 15, during an operation. She was born in 1930 and was baptized in 1997. May the Lord who rewards the workers of the late hour bring her to Himself in everlasting life.

The snow


Help! I'm snowed in and can't get my car out of the drifts. If I stay home any longer, I'm going to start cleaning. Send Oreos!

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Personal category from December 2003.

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