Veneration of the saints

charlie_anna_with_candles.jpg "Christ, you are the light of the world."


Top row: Virgin Mary and St. Joseph
Bottom row: Sts. Charles Borromeo, Anne, Christopher,
and Archangel Michael

In a private message, a Catholic Light reader mentioned his difficulty with prayer to saints, and I wanted to explain why I think it's important.


As you can see, I'm enjoying our new digital camera.

Beautiful pictures, Eric!

that was touching - thanks. Blessed new year to your family.

Thanks, Steve and Cathy. Happy New Year to you both, and to everyone who reads the comment boxes.

Wow, those are some beautiful pictures. I think the choice of an orange border really accentuates the color in the images very well.
God bless.

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Eric Johnson published on December 30, 2003 10:23 PM.

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