Personal: November 2005 Archives

Happy birthday, USMC


It's the Marine Corps' 230th birthday today. Mackubin Thomas Owens has a birthday essay in NRO which is worth reading. Three institutions instilled in my whatever virtue I possess: my family, the Roman Catholic Church, and the United States Marine Corps. I am eternally grateful to them all, but today I will be lifting a glass in honor of the latter along with some of my brothers.

May the Corps continue to protect the United States with vigor and fidelity. May the enemies of freedom continue to fear and hate the name "Marine."

I know some of y'all out there are parents, and that most of you care about what gets dumped into your kids' souls. We gave the kids a hand-me-down computer a few months ago, and there are a few Web sites we let them visit. My question is this: What is the best Web-site blocking software? Our needs are simple: we want to block all sites unless my wife or I permit them.

Our oldest child is six, and I seriously doubt he can figure out how to defeat access-control software. The safest thing would be to filter sites at the router, which I could do, but it would be a pain for my wife.

Your thoughts?

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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