Liturgy and Music: January 2008 Archives

OK, I admit it: there is a "Christmas carol" which I really, really don't like. I simply find "What child is this?" rather depressing. I think it's not the tune's association with Henry VIII (that robber and killer); it's the whiny "Greensleeves" tune itself.

The carol would have been more upbeat if the pop-band "Chicago" had sung it:

"Does anybody really know what Child this is?
Does anybody really care about this Child?
If so, I can't imagine who;
but He was born for me and you."

Verse 1:
"As I was walking through the town one day,
a man and woman came to me
and asked: is there an inn where we can stay

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak
Eric Johnson
John Schultz
Pete Vere

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This page is an archive of entries in the Liturgy and Music category from January 2008.

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