Liturgy and Music: May 2006 Archives

John Foley, SJ and the other St. Louis Jebbies are interviewed in LA:

The Life Teen movement has been very interesting; it's very powerful to see how parts of the Mass, especially the Eucharistic Prayer, become very holy to these youth. And to hear what they can do with older music --- I once heard a reggae version of "One Bread, One Body" that I would have thought couldn't be done, but it was, and done very well.

For some of us, singing OBOB in a reggae style would be a joke among the musicians, not something for the sacred liturgy. Blurring the line between satire and the Holy Mass is a risky idea.

No ganja during the postcommunion, please.

(via CWNews)

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Liturgy and Music category from May 2006.

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