Liturgy and Music: September 2005 Archives

Petitions for Katrina victims

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[Petitions for use in the Byzantine Divine Liturgy, by the Very Rev. Michael Hayduk, Syncellus for Doctrine and Worship, (Byzantine-Ruthenian) Eparchy of Parma]

We also pray, O Lord, for those who face incomprehensible anguish, sorrow and loss in the destruction of Hurricane Katrina; deliver them from every affliction, trouble, distress, wrath and need; that they may be safeguarded by Your holy angels; grant them assistance, peace, health and a long life, we pray You, hear and have mercy.

Lord, have mercy! (3x)

We also pray for those departed as a result of Hurricane Katrina, for their grieving loved ones; for families who were separated that they may be reunited; reassure them of Your divine presence and heavenly grace, we pray You, hear and have mercy.

Lord, have mercy! (3x)

We also pray for all involved in the relief efforts, O Lord, in this special time of need; strengthen them in body, mind and spirit as they labor and serve our neighbors in need. Grant them and all of us the firm resolve to support their efforts in love and generosity, we pray You, hear and have mercy.

Lord, have mercy! (3x)

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On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

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