Culture War: July 2004 Archives

Reading news coverage of the Church is hilarious when it isn't completely frustrating. Here's an AFP story about the Holy Father "fir[ing] a shot across the bows of radical feminism in a letter to Roman Catholic bishops to be published by the Vatican on Saturday."

The headline says "hits out," which doesn't make sense (they meant "lashes out," maybe?), but then English isn't AFP's first language. You have to really scrutinize the article to realize that this is not an encyclical, but merely a document approved by the Pope, not written by him.

[The document] says radical feminism's view of equality "has in reality inspired ideologies which for example call into question the family, in its natural two-parent structure of mother and father, and to make homosexuality and heterosexuality virtually equivalent..."
This would seem to be the latest in a series of Vatican documents attempting to clarify well-known Church teachings, which inevitably meet resistance even though they are stating the obvious. I think particularly of "Dominus Iesus," which contained the shocking revelation that the Roman Catholic Church understands herself to be the true Church of Jesus Christ.

The author calls Cardinal Ratzinger "the Church's powerful doctrinal enforcer," which makes him sound like a total badass -- which he is.

To add to Sal's item below: PP's T-shirt that announces "I had an abortion" is a way to commemorate one's participation in a murder, though I doubt most aborted women really want to remember it that way. I wonder if they give one free to each such ex-mother as a parting gift: been there, killed the baby, got the T-shirt.

Why stop at T-shirts? They could go to offer hats, too. Maybe a little set of forceps on a chain. Lots of souvenir tees come in baby sizes, or with bibs and booties. Of course, the slogan would have to be adapted: "I was aborted."

Since PP is selling these so-called goods through Yahoo's on-line store facility, you can make a difference by letting Yahoo know that these materials are inappropriate. Since Yahoo's Merchant Guidelines forbid adult-oriented and "otherwise objectionable" material, there seems to be sufficient reason to bar it from Yahoo's site. Remember to be polite, now.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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