Arts & Culture: July 2003 Archives

That l33t h8x0r Gutenberg


In principio erat verbum. At least that's what I think it says. It really looks like "verbu", with the "m" turned into a sort of squiggle above the "u". "Et de9 erat verbu~." Apparently this guy Gutenberg was into that sort of IM spelling the kids all use, in which u swap in a digit occasionally and shrtn th wrds s mch s psbl. Gotta be economical about the paper: it doesn't grow on trees, you know.

Let's Hear It For Censorship!


Those Viet Commies got this one right.

"The Passion"


Rob Diaz has posted a link to the trailer for Mel Gibson's "The Passion". You could probably just play it as a stream off that link, but I'd suggest you download it to your own machine first. You're gonna want to see it more than once.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page is an archive of entries in the Arts & Culture category from July 2003.

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