So disappointing...

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Archbishop's Veracity Is Questioned

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Attorneys for alleged victims of sex abuse asked a federal judge to let them question a top-ranking Vatican official about a church doctrine that might permit him to lie under oath...

The Catholic Church teaches it is a sin to lie, but the doctrine of mental reservation allows for circumstances when it may be better to avoid the truth to serve a higher purpose. ...more

Another case of lawyers doing everything they can to make the Church look bad.

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"Another case of lawyers doing everything they can to make the Church look bad."

Take it easy, John. They're just following in the footsteps of those Bishops who have proven themselves so very good at it. O'Brien, Egan, Mahoney, etc., etc.

Or, are you suggesting that we should be shocked, SHOCKED that someone would have the temerity to suggest that a Bishop would lie? In court?

Name a bishop of the past ten years whose testimony in court or deposition has not been characterized by lies, and a will to deceive.

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