Advent Muzak


My wife and I went to confession and Mass at a parish in Reston yesterday. In the pews they had Gather Comprehensive (aka "A Few Hymns And A Lot of Cheese" or "The Collected Works of Marty Haugen and Friends.")

In spite of having a hymnal, they had a "Worship Aid" with a few Disney knock-offs. That was our music for the 4th Sunday of Advent. I suppose because in the minds of the powers that be, Gather Comprehensive just doesn't have enough sentimental Marian or Advent ditties: we had to sing new pieces of cheese.

The results were alot of people looking dumbstruck in the congregation. Not much singing.


McCain torture ban spells end of Haugen Haas music

I think I know what parish you're talking about. We don't go there. It's a little too close to the New Age side for my taste.

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on December 18, 2005 7:25 AM.

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