

names changed to protect the suspicious...

[15:16] chatter1234: need more content for the bulletin – it's a slow news week in this parish
[15:16] chatter1234: so
[15:17] operamaing: make stuff up
[15:17] operamaing: like
[15:17] operamaing: let's see... headlines/announcements
[15:17] chatter1234: "Metosis doubles size of 9 AM choir"
[15:17] chatter1234: "Please don't pinch your babies during Father's homily!"
[15:17] chatter1234: "For the feed-a-priest program, please drop off fresh cheesesteaks with mayo daily at the rectory by 5:00 PM"
[15:17] operamaing: "The Women's Ordination Club WIll Meet Out Back After Mass To Get Some Sense Knocked Into Them"
[15:17] chatter1234: " 'Harmony Man' retires, causing statue of Mary to unplug her ears"
[15:18] operamaing: HAHA
[15:18] operamaing: that's funny
[15:18] operamaing: dude I think I need to kick someone out of the choir
[15:18] operamaing: he's just terrible
[15:18] chatter1234: harmony man is this guy who sings harmony to all the hymns at 110 Db
[15:18] chatter1234: people actually turn their head towards him with a horrified expression

[15:18] operamaing: and he doesn't have the sense to shut his yapper
[15:18] operamaing: so I can't have precision
[15:18] chatter1234: well
[15:19] chatter1234: let him join a committee that doesn't require precision
[15:19] chatter1234: such as the liturgy committee
[15:19] operamaing: it's like giving someone a hammer and chisel and saying - here's some italian marble, knock yourself out
[15:19] operamaing: haha
[15:19] chatter1234: right
[15:19] chatter1234: tink tink
[15:19] chatter1234: tink tink tink tink
tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink
[15:20] chatter1234: "Look, it's the baby Jesus!"
[15:20] chatter1234: "No, it's a loaf of bread!"
[15:20] chatter1234: tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink
[15:20] chatter1234: "It's James the Lesser and James the Greater!"
[15:20] chatter1234: "How can you tell?"
[15:21] chatter1234: "One is so much shorter than the other!"
[15:21] chatter1234: tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink

[15:21] chatter1234: "No, it's Zaccheus up in a tree!"
[15:21] chatter1234: "That's not a tree, it's a burning bush!"
[15:21] chatter1234: tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink tink
[15:21] operamaing: um
[15:21] operamaing: what are you doing?
[15:21] chatter1234: sculpture
[15:21] chatter1234: with running commentary
[15:22] operamaing: that's funny
[15:22] operamaing: haha
[15:22] operamaing: I get it


tink tink tink tink

"Oh, I get it, it's the mustard seed from that parable Jesus told..."

Ow. My sides hurt from laughing so hard. And when I go to Mass in an hour or so people will wonder why I was crying because my eyes will still be red...

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Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on July 18, 2005 8:14 PM.

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