Another load of garbage


Related to the article below, here's another steaming pile of horse pookie.

A CHALLENGE TO THE CHURCH - Two Central Coast women will be 'illicitly' ordained

Try not to have kittens when you read this:

"We consider these ordinations to be valid but illicit," said Rue, who was ordained as a deacon last year and will move a step up to priest this year. Despite the Catholic Church excommunicating several of the women who have participated in these illegal ordinations, "there are some 70 women in the preparation program, globally. Forty of those women are in the United States," Rue said.

I think I know how "valid but illicit" will be viewed on judgement day.

Don't believe the hype about real bishops secretly ordaining these ladies. They have no authority to make a person something they can't be.

One final quote:

"I feel that a piece of paper or an excommunication can not take away the fact that I am Catholic in my heart and soul," said Reynolds. "It cannot obliterate my truth."

Me me me me me. The whole thing reads like a Nellie Melba warm-up session.


I would be very interested in hearing what CORPUS has done for the married priests already in the Catholic Church. The byzantine catholic rites that have always had married priests are very likely not assisted at all.

"My" truth?? Relativism stinks to high heaven!

In related news, I plan to get pregnant tonight.

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