From the diary of St. Faustina

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O day of eternity, O day so long desired,
With thirst and longing, my eyes search you out.
Soon love will tear the veil asunder,
And you will be my salvation.

O day most beautiful, moment incomprehensible,
When for the first time I shall see my God,
The Bridegroom of my soul and Lord of lords,
And fear will not restrain my soul.

O day most solemn, O day of brightness,
When the soul will know God in His omnipotence
And drown totally in His love,
Knowing the miseries of exile are o'er.

O happy day, O blessed day,
When my heart will burn for You with fire eternal,
For even now I feel Your presence, though through the veil,
Through life and death, O Jesus, You are my rapture and delight.

O day, of which I dreamed through all my life,
Waiting long for You, O God,
For it is You alone whom I desire,
You are the one and only of my heart; all else is naught.

O day of delight, day of eternal bliss
God of great majesty, my beloved Spouse
You know that nothing will satisfy a virgin heart,
On Your tender Heart I rest my brow.

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One of the all-time great Popes. He will be sorely missed. His wisdom had to come from the Holy Spirit. God rest his soul.

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This page contains a single entry by Richard Chonak published on April 3, 2005 7:23 AM.

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