"I am resigning my position as the director of religious outreach because it is no longer possible for me to do my job effectively," Rev. [Brenda Bartella] Peterson said, as reported by Talon News. The Washington Post added Thursday that her decision was made "after the New York-based Catholic League issued three blistering news releases attacking her positions."

Blistering and but appropriate! If the democrats want to be taken seriously by people of faith they should hire a liason who at least believes in God.

"Why are Kerry and the DNC imploding on religion? Because too many of the elites running the show are devout secularists who put a premium on freedom from religion," [William] Donohue maintains. "Their idea of religious liberty is banning nativity scenes on public property. Their idea of diversity is censoring 'under God' from the Pledge. Their idea of tolerance is forbidding a moment of silence in the schools. Their idea of a good Catholic is Frances Kissling of Catholics for a Free Choice. Their idea of compassion is hiking taxes. Their idea of helping the poor is giving them directions to a soup kitchen. And their idea of choice is abortion, not school vouchers," he said.


It's very striking that Kerry's campaign has bombed so clumsily, twice, in choosing a "religion advisor." Considering their smoothness in keeping the convention bland and keeping the Moorean mouth-foaming in check, this double blunder is surprising.

It suggests that Kerry and his handlers don't care all that much about the religion adviser position, if a few press releases from one conservative Catholic group can shoot down the appointments.

Bush's people should make *much* more of the Kerry campaign's carelessness on this one than they have. Especially since Democratic media golden boy Barack Obama made a big deal about "blue America worshiping an awesome God" at the convention.

Rich Mullins must be turning over in his grave, hearing his song lyric hijacked to promote a presidential candidate and party who think cracking open the heads of nine-month old babies and dashing out their brains is an absolute Constitutional right.

Why doesn't he just hire an outright atheist....

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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