This war — like all wars — is a terrible thing; but far, far worse are the mass murder of 3,000 innocents and the explosion of a city block in Manhattan, a ghoulish Islamic fascism and unfettered global terrorism, and 30 years of unchecked Baathist mass murder. So for myself, I prefer to be on the side of people like the Kurds, Elie Wiesel, Hamid Karzai, and Iyad Allawi rather than the idiotocrats like Jacques Chirac, Ralph (the Israelis are "puppeteers") Nader, Michael Moore, and Billy Crystal.Sometimes life's choices really are that simple.
Read the whole thing!
"This war — like all wars — is a terrible thing; but far, far worse are the mass murder of 3,000 innocents and the explosion of a city block in Manhattan"
Your'e right of course, this war is not as bad.
If our goal is only to be not as bad as the 19 Saudis and 1 other who perpetrated 9/11, than we are succressful!
THAT'S a relief, hey?
As long as they're worse than we, we got no regrets, right?
I am curious as to how much collateral damage WOULD make this war "as bad as" the mass murder of 3,000 innocents?
And in reckoning the collateral damage, are the innocent lives lost in Afghanistan (sorry, I can't spell any better than the pundits can pronounce,) counted for more or less than the innocent lives lost in Iraq? (which of course had nothing at all to do with the attack on innocent life on 9/11.)
You also have to consider the proportionality of the action. If you contrast the wounded and killed on both sides in this war against not only the 3000 in Manhattan but all of the people Saddam's regime would've killed, tortured and mutilated from the beginning of the war on into the future... Well, I would the actions of the US achieved a good goal (removing Saddam's brutal regime) with many less casualties than would've been caused by letting the regime remain.
Yes, we may not have found WMD. But that was Bush's lure for the UN. Its not the only reason to remove a brutal, inhuman dictator and his regime. There were plenty of other reasons... mostly found in the mass graves of Iraq.