The Village


The latest movie by the director of "Signs" and "Unbreakable" (and who's name is nearly Unpronounceable) looks pretty bad to me. The previews seemed all spooky for no reason.

But then I read this review and I'm tempted to see it. After all, how many movies have a Village Simpleton these days?

The USCCB doesn't have a movie review up yet.

And this topic bests the question: should Catholic Light have a Village Simpleton?


I really hope that "The Village" is better than "Signs." "Signs" had the fatal flaw of being a film about Divine Providence where the hand of God was very, very forced. Providence must be shown in art with a very light touch, as Tolkien did so successfully. It's a shame too, because everyone in "Signs"--Gibson, Phoenix, the child actors--did an excellent job. And Shyamalan's razor-sharp ability to make you jump out of your seat with shadows and sounds, was there in full force. But I was left scratching my head wondering, why would a dying person say, 'Swing low, Merrill!'

"The Sixth Sense," however was outstanding.

BTW - I made this a Catholic post by referencing the USCCB.

And this topic bests the question: should Catholic Light have a Village Simpleton?

Do I count?

TPFKAAC - You used to count. Now you don't anymore. But thanks for asking.

And did you know M. Night Shamalamadingdong went to Catholic school, just like Alfred Hitchcock? There's another connection to Catholicism.

Maybe Shyamalin should have produced LoTR. Jackson can't do darkness and fear.

Catholic Light has a Village Simpleton. I won't name any names.

Catholic Light has a Village Simpleton. I won't name any names.

I won't even touch that one: it's waaay too easy.

Actually SIGNS is a quite religious movie in a couple of ways. First of all, what is the overall trajectory if not the story of the Prodigal Son returning to his father and his true vocation. (Some denominational doubts aside.)

Second of all, it's portrait of Providence IS forced and absurdly coincidental if you see it as a forward-looking drama among characters with free will (i.e., "humanistically"). But if you view it as a film told in retrospect, or well providentially, then the coincidences are no longer "forced" but merely the selection of the details that stand out in the dramatic narrative of our lives because they are the ones that are *relevant* and which a parsimonious and generous God provided us for the situation we'd face. Or to put it another way (somehow, I don't think I'm communicating this very well) I can't remember what I had for dinner three nights ago, but I can remember what I had for dinner Oct. 24, 2003 ... for reasons that aren't here relevant, but which I could describe in the divine economy.

What? Who?

On life and living in communion with the Catholic Church.

Richard Chonak

John Schultz

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This page contains a single entry by John Schultz published on July 29, 2004 3:43 PM.

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