Please do not let this take your focus off of months-old American crimes at Abu Ghirab prison, nor the outrageous memo <sarcasm>which is the equivalent of the Final Solution</sarcasm>. I would like to point out that Al Qaeda has brutally murdered another American civilian, engaged in innocent, legal commerce.
This might cause you to think that the war on terror A) exists; and B) that a worldwide conspiracy dedicated to mass murder is much worse than a bunch of soldiers who are headed for prison themselves. Please dismiss such thoughts from your minds and think about that freaky West Virginia slut with the leash.
<total_seriousness level='high'>
May God rest the soul of Paul Johnson, and may the enemies of the innocent either repent or, as the Psalmist says, choke on their own blood.
<humorous_conclusion mode='black'>
Let us not forget, however, that this is nothing compared to the Hitler-like treatment meted out to José Padilla.
Thank you for a brilliant and approriate post, Eric.
Eternal Rest grant unto him O Lord and let light perpetual shine upon him.