From Robert Spencer, the coauthor of Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics. I happened upon his site which cruising Kathy Shaidle's blog. It's not a big stretch to read Spencer's site and think that we're slowly being Islamified.

I've become increasingly interested in Islam in the wake of 9-11, terror war, and because the liberal (read Western) head-in-sand-sand-rapidly-rising ideal of "can't we all just get along?" is horribly wrong. Spencer offers a unique perspective and gives ample support to those of us who know we can't just get along. We simply can't abide the privation of justice that Islam has wrought. In this respect, would you think history a valuable guide? Most often, yes. Is experience the best teacher as long as it's someone elses'? Absolutely! It's up to the government and allies to decided how best to deal with the threat of islamic militants and terrorists, but we as Catholics have to consider how we approach the culture that Islam is thriving in so that we can evangelize.


Saying that Islam can't be tolerated because
of the privation of justice it has wrought is
like blaming Jesus for Murrah building bombing
or Martin Luther for the KKK.
And if you don't want to "tolerate" Islam, you're
going to have to do it in some country
other than the USA. Here, it's the law.

Dan -

Read Dhimmi Watch and you'll understand what I mean by privation of justice. The privation of justice can't be tolerated to be sure. The Mohameddan heresy itself is another matter.


One more thing, Dan. In the US we don't have to tolerate something because it's the law. Abortion for instance. The law which made abortion legal is unjust. Religion freedom in this country is a just law, I'm not equating the two. I just want to make it clear it's not religious freedom that we should be against, it is the criminal things that some Muslims have done in the name of their religion.

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