CHICAGO — Parishioners who wore rainbow-colored sashes to Mass in support of gays and lesbians were denied communion (search) in Chicago, while laymen in Minnesota tried to prevent gay Roman Catholics from getting the sacrament.

Priests at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago refused to give the Eucharist to about 10 people wearing the sashes at Sunday Mass. One priest shook each person's hand; another made the sign of the cross on their foreheads.

Firstly, the headline is biased towards our rights-crazy culture.

Per Canon Law, people suffering from same-sex attraction have the same rights as straight Catholics. No one has a "right" to commit sacrilege against the Body and Blood of Our Lord because they think the Church is behind the times or, as Mark Shea oft writes of them, that gay sex is "the source and summit of all that is great and good in the human race since the beginning of recorded history."

The irony is we support gays, just not in the way gays to be supported. We support their conversion and salvation, not, again to quote Mark, the "fabulousness" of gay sex. Listen: if sin did to the outside of a man what it does to his soul, no one would ever, ever watch "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." Come to think of it, no one would watch that much TV at all. Maybe just EWTN. We'd all be praying and reading a lot more.

Incidently, it looks like the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan don't-you-know-your-orders-are-null-and-void Williams, watches a bit too much TV.

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